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Inter country balistic spark?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2018
Had a very strange occurrence yesterday.
Although the spark wanted to have it's compass re-ca;ibrated, which I did, I kept getting the usual compass error in an area where I have often flown - a bird sunctuary.
On getting home I had a look at the flight on Phantom help and was most surprsed!
What is an errr code other(14) and other (15).
Sounds like something I would get from a python program.
And looking at the screendrop it went quickly to the Congo! All while doing an auto takeoff. Looks like the devil's triangle!

I have attached the flight record for those who may be interested.


  • DJIFlightRecord_2020-12-19_[07-27-58].txt
    534.3 KB · Views: 3
That had to be a new long distance record! Seriously, an obvious compass error. Had it happened since?
Noy yet, the wickedwind from the south east has prevailed, hopefully not for too long.
Will report back anon
next time i flew I got multiple "no sinal", screen goes monochrome frozen.

Flew again today and got perfect picture but had to calibrate compass twice.
Spark hovers with good gps then without moving gets calibrate compass the gps again.

Very stramge.
next time i flew I got multiple "no sinal", screen goes monochrome frozen.

Flew again today and got perfect picture but had to calibrate compass twice.
Spark hovers with good gps then without moving gets calibrate compass the gps again.

Very stramge.
I wonder if reloading your controller software would help...? IDK, but just a guess.

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