Yet another OTG Cable issue...
I own an Android Google Pixel. I have no issues connecting the OTG cable to my phone. Everything is a go...
Except when I take off, my phone in not showing that my Spark is connected to any Satellites. It simply reads N/A. Thus, I am not able to see my altitude...
Hi, I had a really scary moment with my Spark just before Christmas.
I'd just re-calibrated my compass and IMU before flying as I’d upgraded to the latest firmware. About 8 mins into my flight and around 34ft from me I got a high wind velocity warning and then a compass error. Then my Spark...
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to share my recent experience. I took my Spark out for a fly on July 4th (to shoot the sunset, fireworks, etc), and my bird got rogue. Everything was looking perfect, my GPS signal was fine, three days before this I did a firmware update, the compass was green, etc...