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Sad Missions


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Jul 18, 2019
P.E.I., Canada
Never thought flying drones would make for a sad experience but the past few days have changed that. This past Wednesday evening three high school kids aged 17 had their dory roll 90° after being broadsided by a wave in the Cascumpec Bay area (Western, P.E.I . Canada). Boat got away from them in the rough water, unfortunately no life jackets were being worn at the time and only one was able to swim to shore, that being a miracle in itself.

Search parties and locals have been working ever since trying to find the other two. One was found yesterday (by sonar) snagged on the bottom but the second has yet to be found. I've been flying missions trying to help and stayed till dark this evening. I figured today would be the day but had no luck. There's at least two other drone pilots flying missions including a RCMP Sergeant. We have a storm rolling in tomorrow so that will put off searching for a while.

Sure hope we can find him so his family has at least that little bit of peace in a horrible situation. ?
So sorry to hear of their plight. At least one made it but the poor parents of those lost. Sounds like you have been a great help to the Mounties. We’re you using Spark or MA2. Presume you have a portable battery bank for on the go charging. Horrible thing to happen in such a beautiful part of the world.
So sorry to hear of their plight. At least one made it but the poor parents of those lost. Sounds like you have been a great help to the Mounties. We’re you using Spark or MA2. Presume you have a portable battery bank for on the go charging. Horrible thing to happen in such a beautiful part of the world.
So sorry to hear Rotor Wash. Really an awful situation. It doesn't suprise me in the least that you are out there trying to help in any way possible. My thoughts are with the boys and their family's. Thank you my friend.

I appreciate your kind words guys. I've been using my P4 mainly and a car charger, it's been gusty around the water so it has come in handy. Sparky is all charged up in the bullpen though. A search plane had another go this morning but still nothing. Winds are starting to howl here now (Mr. Teddy saying hello) so no flying or sailing for the next couple of days.
Well, sad to hear that, kids think they are immortal, which can be the hardest lesson never learned when it comes to life jackets.

Excellent that you've been assisting from the air. I have imagined myself being in that position some day, it is honorable and the right thing to do in those circumstances.

Thinking of those left behind.

Take care out there.
I appreciate your kind words guys. I've been using my P4 mainly and a car charger, it's been gusty around the water so it has come in handy. Sparky is all charged up in the bullpen though. A search plane had another go this morning but still nothing. Winds are starting to howl here now (Mr. Teddy saying hello) so no flying or sailing for the next couple of days.

Thank you for the update and your efforts in helping. ☮
Thanks guys, your comments are very much appreciated.

When I first heard of the tragedy I was angry along with sadness but after some time I realized, I was 17 one time as well and did some things I shouldn't have lived through as I'm sure is true for many. I lost my nephew 15yrs ago to a drunk driver so I can imagine what the parents are going through and will continue to go through for years to come. If I can help in anyway, if I can even take 1% of the pain away I will do whatever I can and I think everyone searching feels the same way.
So sad to hear this. My heart goes out to their families. I have a 16 year old and a 19 year old. I can’t imagine the pain those parents are facing.

Thanks for the update RotorWash. I know that it is not good news but at least the family's can have closure. I sincerely hope that the young man that was able to swim to safety is spared survivor guilt. Just a terrible tragedy for all.
Thanks for the update RotorWash. I know that it is not good news but at least the family's can have closure. I sincerely hope that the young man that was able to swim to safety is spared survivor guilt. Just a terrible tragedy for all.
Well said DJ. I pity the lad for the rough road he has to travel along with all the families affected.
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