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Spark almost crached with Helicopter


May 27, 2018
It was an absolute legal flight at 80 meters, having declared my flight to the Civil Aviation Service

Report him for flying in your airspace ;^P
Seriously, enjoy your Spark while you can. It's just a matter of time before something big happens. Consider Maduro for instance...
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Seriously, enjoy your Spark while you can. It's just a matter of time before something big happens. Consider Maduro for instance...
I did not say to cancel the flight or to change course, I just make sure to learn if I can fly into a region
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I think drones will get smaller, sub 100g. with all the abilities of a mavic pro2. Then they'll be classed as toys and no one will need to worry:)
As others have mentioned, it’s only a matter of time before a drone causes a major incident. It will then result in significant changes in what we’re allowed to do. With the amount of drones in the sky, it’s amazing that something bad hasn’t happened yet.
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I'm paranoid about this. I'll change course or drop altitude in the presence of manned aircraft. Specially where I live.
I think drones will get smaller, sub 100g. with all the abilities of a mavic pro2. Then they'll be classed as toys and no one will need to worry:)

You got it backwards:

The just announced Mavic Pro 2 is actually considerably HEAVIER than the original Mavic Pro. Check the specs
Statistics show that the possibility of a collision between a drone and a manned aircraft, is very limited.

All these incidents, are "near something".

Drones are not a real danger, even if there are users, who are taking too many risks for them and the others.
Statistics actually show the chance of a future collision between a drone and a manned aircraft is 100%. It has happened before and it will happen again. The math also dictates that there will be several near-misses for every actual collision.

When two objects are unaware of each other and sharing the same airspace collisions are INEVITABLE. Because there are more consumer drones in the air every day the frequency of these incidents must rise accordingly.

Ignoring the facts won't make then go away.
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Statistics don't work this way.

If possibility of collision was 100% then every drone would collide, in every single flight.

Technology also helps. The number of drones is increased day by day, but drones become more "clever" and more easy to fly.

Future will show us if drones will become a serious threat or not. For now, they are not a real danger.

Of course, drone users must be well educated, capable enough, and very careful, as all the users of technology equipment, vehicles and crafts.
You read it wrong. Or intentionally ignored the point:

The more moving objects that attempt to occupy the same space... the greater the chance of collision. Because math. And physics. And probability.

Nobody thinks every individual drone has 100% chance of collision. That is nonsensical.

But you are in the extreme minority by believing this problem will go away soon. And the idea that consumer drones will soon have helicopter avoidance systems is a stretch. Even commercial jets have collided with each other.
Fortunately, drones don't share the same airspace with helicopters and planes. So, millions of drones (all kinds of them) can fly every day on earth, without colliding with manned aircrafts.

For correct statistics, you must involve all drones sold till now, the number of drones flying every day, the number of incidents of drones flying in aircraft airspace, and the number of accidents (collision, injury, death). This way you can make the right maths, and have the right probability.

How many"near collision" incidents happen every year, compared to the number of drones? The number is very low.

On the other hand, how you came to conclude that I belong to some "extreme minority", and that I believe in some "automatic" solution of any problems?

I just said, that until now, statistically, drones are not a danger. Other machines, are much more dangerous.

Regulations and technology try to solve the problems, but education is always the best solution in our technological dangerous world.
As others have mentioned, it’s only a matter of time before a drone causes a major incident. It will then result in significant changes in what we’re allowed to do. With the amount of drones in the sky, it’s amazing that something bad hasn’t happened yet.

Well here are some statistics for you all:

In all my travels over the past 3 years I have only seen TWO other drone operators actively engaged in operations.
And yes, I get out often enough :D
So there are not as many out there as one would suspect.
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