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A new pano

Northwood Mediaworks

Former Spark & Mavic Air 2 Flyer
Premium Pilot
Jan 15, 2018
Northern Ontario, Canada
Hi all... so I have started to do more of these with the MA2, went flying today and got off the farm for a change.
Feel free to have a look at my growing collection of 360s.

Today I drove down the Trans Canada highway a ways, and stopped near Deux-Rivieres, which is where the Brent road is located, and 28km down that road is the Brent Crater and Algonquin Park's other north entrance. I did not enter the park, but did fly by a nice lake, video coming next week.

Later I stopped down a logging road and captured this 360 along with the flight video, that will come next week. For those unfamiliar, the Ottawa River is one of the dividing boundaries between Canada's two most populace provinces, Ontario and Quebec. However, not too many people around here, except passing through in cars, and one lone boat out on the river. Was a beautiful day for flying. Here's the link, you can zoom in and out with your mouse...

I also snagged a still image whilst there, as below...

Take care all.
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So spectacular beautifully shot and exposed. Well done.
Thanks. I must give most of the credit to nature however... the Quebec side is so steep up from the water, it was tempting to fly over there, but perhaps another time.
Your talent and the MA2 sure take spectacular pics Robin. Appreciate you sharing.

ps If you're a hockey fan, who are you pulling for in the NHL playoffs?
Your talent and the MA2 sure take spectacular pics Robin. Appreciate you sharing.

ps If you're a hockey fan, who are you pulling for in the NHL playoffs?
Thanks for the kind words about the photos... Now, when it comes to sports, I am definitely a fair-weather fan, so I dont pay much attention unless my local team seems to be getting somewhere...

I was a 9 year old fan the last time that team won the cup, ever since then, I've lovingly called them the "make believes". We moved to Toronto when I was 9, and that was a great start in 1967, but since then, sigh, not so much! For those not into North American hockey, its the Toronto Maple Leafs... someone could not spell apparently.

That aside, I am also a habs fan deep down, I was born in Montreal, and was encouraged to like them as an even younger fan of the Montreal Canadians.

So sign me up for one of those two if it gets close! :cool:
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Love the pic and the dialog, thanks Robin. Being born and raised a South Side of Chicago boy, I pull for the Blackhawks.
Apologies for going off topic. ;)
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