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Any idea what the odds are that DJI will replace my lost Spark?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
Ok I know this is a long shot, but I bought my Spark refurbished through DJI 5 months ago and recently lost it. I was flying a waypoint mission using Drone Harmony, and when the mission ended I still had 50% battery, so I decided to continue flying manually in Drone Harmony (not DJI Go 4 app). I have flotation landing gear and was just landing and taking off on the river (as I've done many times before without issue). This time I lifted off and flew maybe 200 feet away and landed in the water, when I tried to engage the motors to take off the Spark didn't respond. I still had 35% battery and lots of signal to the remote. The message came up on my screen that there was a problem starting the Spark and to restart both the drone and the remote. Well now that's a problem as the Spark is floating downstream and I have no way to get to it. I contemplated trying to swim after it, but water was freezing and didn't want an ugly sittiation to go from bad to worse, so I watched helplessly as my display showed the battery count all the way down to zero and the drone kept floating out of site (so the find my drone won't tell me where it is). I called DJI and they are going to open a "fly away" case and email me where to send Drone Harmony flight logs (still waiting for that email). Any idea what the chance would be that they will replace my Spark? Yes I realize I may have been a bit negligent with my flight planning and it was a bit risky - for which I've paid a big price and learned from.
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The chance DJI will or even should replace your Spark are somewhere between slim and none. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
same happened to me, mine came back from DJI, 2 day`s later dropped in the sea. I used Lichi so they said sorry - no can do.(3rd party app)
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The chance DJI will or even should replace your Spark are somewhere between slim and none. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

So I should be personally responsible if the engines don't start again due to an error between the drone and remote? I understand my mistake of landing where I couldn't recover it easily (yep I'm responsible for that part), but respectfully disagree if there is an issue within the DJI Spark or Remote. If the data logs show an issue that had nothing to do with where I landed or even using a 3rd party app (which many of us use), then yes, I'm going to ask the company if they would be willing to replace. Maybe they will say no - but if it was the drone/remote error and not user error, then I don't see the harm in asking, and don't think everyone should be personally responsible if the root cause wasn't something they could control. I'm reading several instances where folks have fly aways or remote malfunctions that cause a crash and DJI replaces the drone if the data logs support it. Got your vote though, and thanks for the feedback.
Just buy a new Spark. [emoji849]

I'll wait and see the response from DJI, but if it were a betting man, I would bet I'll be buying a new one myself too. I am curious if they can determine the issue from the data logs.
We know that water can fool a DJI drone into landing. You may have thought you were doing it but in fact the drone may have estimated it needed to land and shut off the motors.
I assume you tried the standard stick command to restart the engines?
I understand your plight, however by the use of a 3rd party app and not the DJI app will most likely void any warranty.

However DJI may be interested in the fact that even though it was a 3rd party app you were using, the logs may provide evidence of engine failure vs. app interference.

Will be interesting to hear how your situation turns out.
I’m very sorry, you were using 3rd party software. That is a automatic violation of the warranty. There is no way DJI will replace your bird. Let alone you were on a river. Never fly on water, I know that’s going to stop them before they even look at your logs. I’m really sorry not what you want to hear just before the holidays but water and drones don’t mix ever. Learn and don’t put your next drone near water let alone use 3rd party software. You are literally taking your life in your hands drone wise. Good luck with the new one.
Landing and taking off from water?
This is a high risk task, and unfortunately, you learned it the hard way.
I always wonder why people who post these kinds of threads even think of asking any drone manufacturer to replace their equipment as a result of their own actions.

I’ll give the OP credit for not concocting some yarn explaining how it wasn’t their fault.
What are the benefits of using other apps?
Why don't you just stick with DJI GO4? Actually a genuine question...can anyone LMK the benefits

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