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DJI drones will have a “local” mode soon.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2017
Saw this and thought I’d share.

DJI drones are getting an offline mode for secret flights

Chinese manufacturer DJI is adding a local data mode to its drones. Once enabled, the new feature will stop the company's apps from collecting user data (such as photos, videos, and flight logs). Although, DJI claims the update is in response to public demand, it's hard to ignore the security concerns recently raised by the US army. Less than two weeks ago, the military ordered staff to halt use of all DJI hardware and applications, citing "operational risks."

Although the army did not elaborate on its memo, it's thought the decision may have been spurred by DJI's data collection. You see, the company's DJI GO 4 app reportedly uploads details of flight records by default -- including telemetry, video and audio -- to its servers in the US, China and Hong Kong. It also doesn't help that hackers have previously shown they can break into the app and fiddle with the drones' flight elevation restrictions.

For its part, DJI told The NY Times it hasn't been in touch with the military. And, its press release suggests the new mode has been in the works for months -- further emphasizing it has nothing to do with the army's decision. However, a company VP has revealed that the news may have raised alarm bells among consumers. "The Army memo caused customers to express renewed concern about data security," DJI's Brendan Schulman told the Times. The statements may seem at odds, but there's reason to believe the company is looking to service its wider user base.

For proof, look no further than DJI's integration of 3DR's business-oriented tools with its UAVs. Ultimately, the drone-maker's customers now span multiple industries. That's something it acknowledges in its press release.

"[Local data mode] will provide an enhanced level of data assurance for sensitive flights," writes the company. "Such as those involving critical infrastructure, commercial trade secrets, governmental functions or other similar operations."

The update will start rolling out over the coming weeks, the company said. Keep in mind, enabling offline mode will block the app from updating maps or geofencing info. It will also stop notifications about new flight restrictions and software updates.

The big issue I have with that is if you subscribe to an online log like Airdata, your stuff would never be synced to your account.
Don't you have to the choice to sync or not to sync? Or does it share all the info anyways regardless?
Don't you have to the choice to sync or not to sync? Or does it share all the info anyways regardless?
For flight records yes but you need to login to DJI server in order to have clearance for "less" limited flight. There are also many connections behind the scene (list of fw, no fly zone, ... ) in any case.
I'm disappointed they have gone this route.
I was hoping they would have a 'Total Sync' type mode whereby everything on your phone/tablet like bank account details, credit cards, passwords etc was backed up to the DJI servers as well as a microphone activation on your tablet so that DJI could also listen in on conversations and record them etc.
That would make me feel much safer.
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For just that reason I only use a dedicated tab with no information about me, no pictures, phone logs or any other data that they could look at. Its a more expensive way to fly but I like to keep my data private as I can with out apps spying on m.
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For just that reason I only use a dedicated tab with no information about me, no pictures, phone logs or any other data that they could look at. Its a more expensive way to fly but I like to keep my data private as I can with out apps spying on m.
What is a 'dedicated tab'?
What is a 'dedicated tab'?
A tablet/ iPad that I use just for my p4 and spark.
I do not use it for anything else like banking/ social media/ personal contacts and so on.
When the dji app wants access to my files all it gets is what is on a blank tablet. I use a different iPad for my personal life and that' how I like it "personal. Hope this answers your question.
...There are also many connections behind the scene (list of fw, no fly zone, ... ) in any case.

It’s that “behind the scenes” stuff that is most disturbing - you don’t know what’s going on. What we need is a trusted lab to put a packet sniffer on it and see get to the bottom of things. Obviously DJI doesn’t have much respect for the rights of their customers. Unfortunately, neither do most other businesses.

Darren Roach is on the right track - physical separation is what you have to do, if you can’t trust the software. I’d have more confidence in DJI software/firmware if the source code was openly available… but I’m not holding my breath.
For all you paranoid look over your shoulder people, this is nothing new and I posted the behind the scenes connections over two years ago over on Inspire Pilots.
For the benefit of the Spark newbies....
These are all the connections the app makes, or attempts to (outside of those you need for maps).

•newrelic.com - app analytics
•flurry.com - Mobile analytics company
•qbox.me (via qbox.wscdns.com) •upgrade.dj2006.net
•acbe.aasky.net -type this one in a browser for a nice scare.

All of you agreed to the EULA so what's the problem.
If you are not happy - simple....fly something that isn't DJI.

Personally I fly commercially and have more to worry about than what a Chinese company is reporting back from my flight app.
I couldn't care less.....but then, I do not look over my shoulder every two minutes thinking everyone in a dark suit is out to get me or 'they' are everywhere and they are listening, watching, waiting......:rolleyes:
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I am one of the persons that have repeatedley requested this of DJI, because I am also a commercial pilot and I do have customers who have a very different opinion about their security and privacy. I personally could careless what the Chinese are doing with my data, however if any of the videos or pictures were to be leaked out to the ignorant public or media and potrayed as something different it could have a very negative impact for everyone involved, including those responding and doing the right things to mitigate the situation. Are they doing anything illegal or unethical? absolutely not!

So yes, currently I am forced to use non DJI drones for their purpose, which is very inconvient and costly for me.
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A tablet/ iPad that I use just for my p4 and spark.
I do not use it for anything else like banking/ social media/ personal contacts and so on.
When the dji app wants access to my files all it gets is what is on a blank tablet. I use a different iPad for my personal life and that' how I like it "personal. Hope this answers your question.
Would an older Ipad Mini (not Mini 2) work for this purpose?
I am one of the persons that have repeatedley requested this of DJI, because I am also a commercial pilot and I do have customers who have a very different opinion about their security and privacy. I personally could careless what the Chinese are doing with my data, however if any of the videos or pictures were to be leaked out to the ignorant public or media and potrayed as something different it could have a very negative impact for everyone involved, including those responding and doing the right things to mitigate the situation. Are they doing anything illegal or unethical? absolutely not!

So yes, currently I am forced to use non DJI drones for their purpose, which is very inconvient and costly for me.
If you 'could' care less than why don't you? Unless that is thay you realy do care a little bit.
If you 'could' care less than why don't you? Unless that is thay you realy do care a little bit.

What I meant is when it comes to the data for my own personal use, I don't care what the Chinese do with it. When it comes to the aspect of flying for someone else in regards to their security concerns, I have to care.

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