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Dji Spark took off and now is lost


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Hi guys,

I've been flying the Spark for about 3 months. Today I took it above a lake, maybe 60 feet away and 60 feet hight. Took some videos and pictures for about 5 minutes, then when I was about to turn around and fly back, Spark lost its GPS signal (I'm guessing) and took off. I had no control over it what so ever. I was using the controller too. When I looked at the flight log it showed it had locked on 16 satellites before it sped away.

I tried the find my drone option in the app but could not find it. Lots of trees, tall grass and a river, so it could be anywhere but definitely not where the app was pointing it to.

Any ideas what could've caused it to just lose cotrol over it like that and take off? It's never happened before.

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sorry about your loss . i really believe quads just loses bind and just takes off . the one thing is nobody ever says it came back my way , always away from them . i have seen $100 RC planes loose bind and i have seen $4000 RC planes also loose bind and crash but for some reason quads keep flying planes go down .
[QUOTE = "emdblyou, post: 95445, członek: 18238"]
Cześć chłopaki,

Lecę Spark od około 3 miesięcy. Dziś wziąłem go nad jezioro, może 60 stóp i 60 stóp wysokości. Trochę filmów i zdjęć trwało około 5 minut, a kiedy miałem się odwrócić i odlecieć, Spark stracił sygnał GPS (zgaduję) i wystartował. Nie miałem nad tym żadnej kontroli. Ja też korzystałem z kontrolera. Kiedy spojrzałem na dziennik lotów, pokazał, że zamknął się na 16 satelitach, zanim odjechał.

Próbowałem znaleźć moją aplikację drone w aplikacji, ale nie mogłem jej znaleźć. Mnóstwo drzew, wysoka trawa i rzeka, więc może być wszędzie, ale na pewno nie w miejscu, do którego skierowana była aplikacja.

Jakieś pomysły, co mogło spowodować, że po prostu stracił kontrolę nad tym i wystartował? To nigdy się nie zdarzyło.

Tak sobie myślę. Kiedy jesteśmy blisko miejsca lądowania, na przykład dla helikoptera szpitalnego, obecne zakłócenia sygnału nie wprowadzają tych problemów. Sam analizuję swój lot. Mam syna, który jest w onkologii szpitalnej. Leciałem w pobliżu tego szpitala. około 500 metrów. jest tam lądowisko dla helikopterów. a kiedy trochę się do niego zbliżyłem, iskierka całkowicie oszalała. zerwał kontakt, RTH nie działał pomimo obecności 12 satelitów i sam się wylądował. Na szczęście dzięki mapie lotu znalazłem dźwigar bez problemu. wylądował na dachu jednego z domów. Muszę powiedzieć, że mapa lotów okazała się sensacyjna. poprowadziła mnie do dźwigara z różnicą może 2 metrów. warto zastanowić się, czy takie sytuacje jak zakłócacze powietrzne wpływają na działanie drzewca. Pozdrowienia.
are you sure it didn't attempt to return and perhaps hit trees during the initial climb? It's not likely that it lost the GPS signal unless you were completely blanked out by trees. My spark usually grabs a GPS signal even in the house. Can you track the flight on the flight list? I hope you find it. It's probably safe and sound where ever it did end up. I can't count the many time's my DJI drones have started home on their own due to a lost signal. I did have the Spark return home once when I was flying without the controller and it hovered over my roof until I was able to reconnect. A lesson learned..always launch in a open safe area..not under a roof, a tree or the middle of a road.
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are you sure it didn't attempt to return and perhaps hit trees during the initial climb? It's not likely that it lost the GPS signal unless you were completely blanked out by trees. My spark usually grabs a GPS signal even in the house. Can you track the flight on the flight list? I hope you find it. It's probably safe and sound where ever it did end up. I can't count the many time's my DJI drones have started home on their own due to a lost signal. I did have the Spark return home once when I was flying without the controller and it hovered over my roof until I was able to reconnect. A lesson learned..always launch in a open safe area..not under a roof, a tree or the middle of a road.
No. I'm not sure. these are just my guesses. I associate facts only. logic has commanded me to think like that. it is obvious that landing sites use this type of jamming, of course, in terms of safety. I was looking for information on such a subject, and indeed it could have had an impact. but I am not a technician, and I do not know myself. that's why I thought it was just speculation.
are you sure it didn't attempt to return and perhaps hit trees during the initial climb? It's not likely that it lost the GPS signal unless you were completely blanked out by trees. My spark usually grabs a GPS signal even in the house. Can you track the flight on the flight list? I hope you find it. It's probably safe and sound where ever it did end up. I can't count the many time's my DJI drones have started home on their own due to a lost signal. I did have the Spark return home once when I was flying without the controller and it hovered over my roof until I was able to reconnect. A lesson learned..always launch in a open safe area..not under a roof, a tree or the middle of a road.
I was in an open area. Not under any roof, maybe some trees but like I said spark locked on 16 satellites. I took picties on the middle of a lake and tried to turn around and fly back. I was already at about 60 feet so I was about to start descending while flying towards me. All of a sudden spark just took off away from home location what seemed to be like in sport mode. There was nothing I could do. Flight path showed that it disconnected right where it was hovering while taking pictures. Then just took off.

I looked and looked today but high grass, trees make it impossible to see anything. I'll try again tomorrow. But if theast signal I received was before let's say it crashed into the lake/river it's pretty much a lost cause.
Upload a log and lets find out?

If it is still under warranty, open a case and send DJI the log.
Sometimes if it is a malfunction and not user error, they will replace under warranty.
I seem to be seeing a lot of posts about their spark losing control for no reason and then it taking off like in atti mode and some crash and some get under control again. This has happened to me also and have had to send mine back to DJI for repair. I believe it is a faulty IMU. When it happened to me it showed loss of GPS and the many warnings of loss of IMU. Send DJI your flight love. Upload airdata and look at all your flights. Best of luck.
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Sorry for your loss but I know that there are some really smart members on this forum so if you can post your flight records I would think someone would be able to pinpoint exactly where your Sparkie might be. Good Luck
I seem to be seeing a lot of posts about their spark losing control for no reason and then it taking off like in atti mode and some crash and some get under control again. This has happened to me also and have had to send mine back to DJI for repair. I believe it is a faulty IMU. When it happened to me it showed loss of GPS and the many warnings of loss of IMU. Send DJI your flight love. Upload airdata and look at all your flights. Best of luck.

Remnants of the "YAW Error, compass error and other error "bundle".
Just commonly referred to as the YAW Error.
Spark starts getting this error for no particular reason.
Yet few have posted too much wild wind is the cause.
YAW Error leads to a compass error since they work hand in hand and spawn even more errors till the Spark just gives up.
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Upload a log and lets find out?

If it is still under warranty, open a case and send DJI the log.
Sometimes if it is a malfunction and not user error, they will replace under warranty.
I'm new to uploading and the text files in general. Can someone pin point me to where this text file would be on my android phone? Thank you.
I'm new to uploading and the text files in general. Can someone pin point me to where this text file would be on my android phone? Thank you.
Just saw the help section. I'll have to do it when I get home then I'll upload the flight log. But by then I'll be 2 hour drive away from the lost drone :(
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Upload a log and lets find out?

If it is still under warranty, open a case and send DJI the log.
Sometimes if it is a malfunction and not user error, they will replace under warranty.

Hi guys. So I uploaded the txt file and got the flight log. Here's the link and blow is a quick summary. It looks like there were a ton of "Yaw Errors" and "Speed Errors", Weak GPS even though it was locked onto 16 satellites.

DJI Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com <--- link to flight log

1. 0 seconds till 4m 33.5s - ok
2. 4m 33.7s to 4m 34.4s - Yaw Error - 14 satellites
3. 4m 34.5s - Apircraft GPS signal too weak. Hope Point not updated; Yaw Error - 14 satellites
4. 4m 34.6s to 4m 35.7s - Yaw Error - 14 satellites - SWITCHED TO ATTI
5. 4m 35.8s - Magnetic Field Interference. Exit P-GPS Mode, Yaw Error - 16 satellites
6. 4m 35.9s to 4m 39.2s - Yaw Error - 15 satellites
7. 4m 39.3s to 4m 40.2s - Speed Error - 16 satellites
8. 4m 40.3s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
9. 4m 40.4s - Weak GPS signal. Positioning accuracy may be compromised. Please fly with caution; Yaw Error - 16 satellites
10. 4m 40.5s to 4m 45.5s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
11. 4m 45.6s - Maximum FLight Altitude Reached; Yaw Error - 16 satellites
12. 4m 45.7s to 4m 47.8s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
13. 4m 47.9s to 4m 48.6s - Speed Error - 15 satellites
14. 4m 48.7s to 4m 54.7s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
15. Ends here - drone takes off away from home point with final Home Distance of 705.9ft @ 70% battery

Can someone please explain to me what all this means exactly? Does it look like the drone was at fault? If I email DJI, do you think they would be willing to replace a ran away drone?

Thank you all.


  • DJIFlightRecord_2019-07-20_[16-27-05].txt
    577.9 KB · Views: 14
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Hi guys. So I uploaded the txt file and got the flight log. Here's the link and blow is a quick summary. It looks like there were a ton of "Yaw Errors" and "Speed Errors", Weak GPS even though it was locked onto 16 satellites.

DJI Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com <--- link to flight log

1. 0 seconds till 4m 33.5s - ok
2. 4m 33.7s to 4m 34.4s - Yaw Error - 14 satellites
3. 4m 34.5s - Apircraft GPS signal too weak. Hope Point not updated; Yaw Error - 14 satellites
4. 4m 34.6s to 4m 35.7s - Yaw Error - 14 satellites - SWITCHED TO ATTI
5. 4m 35.8s - Magnetic Field Interference. Exit P-GPS Mode, Yaw Error - 16 satellites
6. 4m 35.9s to 4m 39.2s - Yaw Error - 15 satellites
7. 4m 39.3s to 4m 40.2s - Speed Error - 16 satellites
8. 4m 40.3s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
9. 4m 40.4s - Weak GPS signal. Positioning accuracy may be compromised. Please fly with caution; Yaw Error - 16 satellites
10. 4m 40.5s to 4m 45.5s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
11. 4m 45.6s - Maximum FLight Altitude Reached; Yaw Error - 16 satellites
12. 4m 45.7s to 4m 47.8s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
13. 4m 47.9s to 4m 48.6s - Speed Error - 15 satellites
14. 4m 48.7s to 4m 54.7s - Yaw Error - 16 satellites
15. Ends here - drone takes off away from home point with final Home Distance of 705.9ft @ 70% battery

Can someone please explain to me what all this means exactly? Does it look like the drone was at fault? If I email DJI, do you think they would be willing to replace a ran away drone?

Thank you all.

Not a professional opinion but yes, it certainly does look like the drone's fault.
Now, if it is still under warranty, open a service request with DJI, send them the .txt log file and see what they think.
You will have to put the txt log file into a zip file by right clicking the file, select "send to", then select compressed (zipped) folder - in Windows
the following link will auto translate when you open it.
Hi guys,

I've been flying the Spark for about 3 months. Today I took it above a lake, maybe 60 feet away and 60 feet hight. Took some videos and pictures for about 5 minutes, then when I was about to turn around and fly back, Spark lost its GPS signal (I'm guessing) and took off. I had no control over it what so ever. I was using the controller too. When I looked at the flight log it showed it had locked on 16 satellites before it sped away.

I tried the find my drone option in the app but could not find it. Lots of trees, tall grass and a river, so it could be anywhere but definitely not where the app was pointing it to.

Any ideas what could've caused it to just lose cotrol over it like that and take off? It's never happened before.

The issue with your SPARK is you have used an iphone here . Never use iphone for DJI products. It always screws up the GPS coordinates !! Always use Android for drone application involving DJI
The issue with your SPARK is you have used an iphone here . Never use iphone for DJI products. It always screws up the GPS coordinates !! Always use Android for drone application involving DJI

Quite the opposite.
Android devices are the least reliable.
Simply because there are so many android devices out there DJI cannot test them all.
Whereas there are 30 iDevices (which at least 10 are no longer supported) DJI can fully test use of the DJI GO 4 app.

Besides the camera controls and the flight modes, the iPhone and Android devices are monitors ONLY.
iPhones do not provide GPS coordinates to the Spark or any other DJI product.
It is all onboard the DJI drone.
Please do not spread this misinformation because wherever you got your information, they got it wrong - badly wrong.

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Not a professional opinion but yes, it certainly does look like the drone's fault.
Now, if it is still under warranty, open a service request with DJI, send them the .txt log file and see what they think.
You will have to put the txt log file into a zip file by right clicking the file, select "send to", then select compressed (zipped) folder - in Windows
the following link will auto translate when you open it.
Thanks. I sent them an email and I'll see what happens. Hopefully they will be good about it and offer a replacement if they determine that the drone was faulty.
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The issue with your SPARK is you have used an iphone here . Never use iphone for DJI products. It always screws up the GPS coordinates !! Always use Android for drone application involving DJI
Where do you see that I've used an iphone? I don't have an iPhone, I was using my android device but as a monitor only with a USB cable. I always fly with the actual dji controller.
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