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Photomatix Essentials for Free (HDR software)


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Jul 18, 2019
P.E.I., Canada
Seen this offer and thought I'd pass it on. Photomatix is giving away a free copy of their Essentials software ($35usd value) for a limited time. No reason not to give it a try if you have any interest in HDR software. Works on both Win and Mac.

Free Photomatix Essentials software
Seen this offer and thought I'd pass it on. Photomatix is giving away a free copy of their Essentials software ($35usd value) for a limited time. No reason not to give it a try if you have any interest in HDR software. Works on both Win and Mac.

Free Photomatix Essentials software
Wow... many thanks RotorWash for the scoop!!
I just registered and got the licence key.

Cheers and safe flying,
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Thanks RotoWash. I just registered and will try it out. I usually use Lightroom or the Nik plugin so its good to have another option.

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Thank's for this new ! This free app is 4.2, now Photomatix is 6.2 but good news, Photomatix 4.2 is working with Catalina.
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Worth noting that if you have an Essentials license (free for now), you can upgrade to Photomatix Pro later on for the price difference between the two products ($60usd).
So I had a chance to do some AEB shots (with the Mavic Air 2) and then use this software, not bad! Thanks again to RotorWash. I shared the info you posted over at MavicPilots, and gave you credit for the heads up. Cheers.


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You're off to a flying start Robin, great job! Thanks for passing the offer around, it's a good tool to have in the workshop. Although there are a number of presets included, I find the first four the most beneficial. I usually go with the "Detailed" preset and then adjust with the "Details Enhancer" settings. Or sometimes I'll just merge them in the app using no settings then edit in another app. Either way it's amazing the amount of details tonemapping can pull out of the shadows even with non raw files. The lighting adjustment slider can also be a very helpful setting.
In regards to pulling detail out of the dark on photos, here's a basic example of a bracketed set of shots and the resulting tonemapped image from merging them inside Photomatix with no refinements at all added, just a merge. One can then refine the image more if need be.

1st shot @ 1/320

2nd shot @ 1/500

3rd shot @ 1/200

and the result of a merge, bringing out the darks/shadows while maintaining the highlights. The pic itself is nothing to write home about but it serves as an example of the dynamic range that can be achieved with AEB/HDR. Before starting my bracket, I generally expose for the highlights first.

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