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Recommended Areas for Flying in Scottsdale

New Drone Guy

Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
Anyone in the Scottsdale area that can suggest good parks or areas to fly a Spark in? I am in the Central Scottsdale area. When I look at the different maps I get some conflicting information, specifically whether it is ok to fly in the park system along Hayden road.
Just got mine, and they seem to have a lot of restrictions due to the Scottsdale airport and Sky Harbor. How far are you willing to travel?
I called the city of Scottsdale and spoke with Jonathan in the Parks Department. Here are a list of the no fly parks. Plus we have can't fly within 5 miles off Scottsdale Airport & Sky Harbor as you know. I haven't had a chance to fly in a park yet, but I am thinking there is a chain of parks along Hayden near Indian School & Chapparel. I may go ahead and give those a try. He thought that would be OK. Should be OK with the 5 miles boundary of either airport.

Jonathan Montoya

Community Services | Admin

7447 E Indian School Rd, Ste 300 | 480.312.2915

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Nice leg work, it seems that between the Military, private and commercial airports, and helipads, that most of our flying will have to take place on the Reservations near by, and even then it looks like we're going to be making plenty of phone calls. Should be able to get some good desert footage off the B line highway without too much concern though. I bounce between scottsdale and chandler so any info helps. I'll look into it as well when the opportunity presents itself.
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Found some stuff. Think we'll need to double check if its all still valid.

Scottsdale Airport Drone Safety
City of Scottsdale - Flying Drones Safely

Scottsdale Parks "no-no" list
City of Scottsdale - What you need to know about flying drones in Scottsdale Parks

Phx law enforcement "Operations Orders" for drones.
operations_orders.pdf_1.PNG operations_orders.pdf_2.PNG operations_orders.pdf_3.PNG operations_orders.pdf_4.PNG
City of Phoenix designated Radio/Remote Controlled Aircraft Parks
Parks and Recreation Radio-Controlled Aircraft in Phoenix Parks

Chandler Municipal Airport Guidelines

City of Chandler RC aircraft "park" the info is there if you scroll down.

I'll post more, or edit this post when i have more time.
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Appreciate the information. Haven't had the opportunity in the last few days to fly anywhere else but my yard. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on the Spark was well.
Appreciate the information. Haven't had the opportunity in the last few days to fly anywhere else but my yard. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on the Spark was well.
Same here, the weathers been crappy. Id be happy to tell you, about my spark experience so far, what did you want to know?
I recently shot some skateboarding footage, and it seemed like every time i was looking up, i was having to change the battery, and the whole process of connecting it to the phone or tablet eats a few more minutes away as well. Trying to get the connection to be solid is questionable at times, but overall, im still having fun with them.

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