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Dji go4 app crash mid flight


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
This past Saturday I dunked my spark in a pond. I had been flying it around throughout the day and went through 3 batteries no issue. Charged the batteries up and then went to go get some more flying in down around this pond. Like a moron I put the spark up in the air and immediately started out over the pond. About 10 seconds later it started sputtering and slowly descending into the pond. Now up until then I hadn't looked at the screen and had been flying by watching the drone itself, so when the spark started acting up I looked down at my screen to see that the app had crashed and I was sitting on my home screen. I did a quick boot up into the app and was able to reconnect back to the spark and had semi control over it where I got it to come back to the waters edge but it was fighting me the whole way refusing to go up in elevation. I wasn't able to get it back in time and it dipped into the water at the ponds edge. I quickly pulled the spark out and pulled the battery and would say total time in the water was 15 seconds. It's now sitting in a bowl of rice for the next week or two before I risk turning it back on. Has anyone else experianced this problem before of the app crashing on them mid flight and do you guys think it's worth reaching out to DJI and sending them my flight logs? Thanks
It should fly and respond even if the app has crashed. I would definitely pull your logs and see if you can tell what happened and if it was not your fault I would send to DJI.
I've already sent them over to DJI but after looking through them I can't tell if I did anything wrong there is a section of the flight (more than likely when I started having the issues where the cell deviation jumps up to
.128 but seems to come back down I don't know if this means that it was a bad battery?
Just guessing but the cell deviation probably messed with the functions of the bird.

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