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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2018
Wondering if there are any updates on the infamous Gatwick sightings, particularly from fellow pilots in the UK? AFAIK, there have been no charges filed, nor any photos or videos of the alleged drones.
Since M.Lloyd, police chief of Sussex said that
he had no proof of a drone, those two days,
the last we heard is Scotland Yard confirmed
that they have no evidence of presence of a
"civilian" drone. But, it seems that the presence
of military UAV, in this area, was possible (??!?)..
I feel it's been a of a talbot scare what is new it seems that all drone owners on the UK have to register them keeping an eye out.
Since M.Lloyd, police chief of Sussex said that
he had no proof of a drone, those two days,
the last we heard is Scotland Yard confirmed
that they have no evidence of presence of a
"civilian" drone. But, it seems that the presence
of military UAV, in this area, was possible (??!?)..
I honestly feel there is a lot of prejudice and paranoia towards drones because of a handful of uninformed inexperienced and disrespectful drone Pilots that is ruining it for the majority as usual. Eventually I believe that regulations will be so restrictive that there will be precious little places for anyone qualified to fly one
I honestly feel there is a lot of prejudice and paranoia towards drones because of a handful of uninformed inexperienced and disrespectful drone Pilots that is ruining it for the majority as usual. Eventually I believe that regulations will be so restrictive that there will be precious little places for anyone qualified to fly one
It's already like that I'm afraid, that's why you see alot of people going underground and hacking there drones to rid of DJI nannying. It's only going to get worse.
Since that Gatwick incident I've already had 3 mishaps with members of public coming at me with false information rules about flying drones.
Ive already rid my Spark and Mavic of any DJI server's call back and nfz.
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What Drone!!
It’s just another way to turn joe public against the hobby, the powers at be want to have control of us at all times.
A bit of bad press, scare mongering, turning public opinion will ruin any hobby.

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