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I don't supposed anyone has tried stop and start in midair?


Nov 6, 2017
I am not game enough to try with my Spark, but I had been thinking a few times, would it be possible to fly way up high, stop the motors (joystick combo), let it free fall a little, and start motor back up, recovering just before it hits the ground? I suppose it is possible, just heart-breaking if it fails.
It’s been tried with the spark, it doesn’t have the “emergency stop”, i believe they say it does but it doesn’t work. Several youtube videos have tested it.
I saw a YouTube video of a guy trying to do that to see if they'll actually stop. Turns out it can't be done unless you can flip your spark upside-down.
I am not game enough to try with my Spark, but I had been thinking a few times, would it be possible to fly way up high, stop the motors (joystick combo), let it free fall a little, and start motor back up, recovering just before it hits the ground? I suppose it is possible, just heart-breaking if it fails.

I haven't tried this with my Spark, but the Spark manual explains the motors can be stopped mid-flight by holding one of the following stick positions for 1.5 seconds:


This is also mentioned in the following section of the Spark Disclaimer & Safety Guidelines:


Will you actually be able to restart the motors after stopping them? Perhaps if you attempt it from a high enough altitude. It could just turn out to be an expensive experiment too.
Thanks for the responses. I read the manual, and I thought the emergency stop works. Maybe too many ppl accidentally triggered it, DJI had to disable the function, instead of repairing/replacing crashed drones.
I've a friend who has racing drones, and doing lots of stunts with it. One of it is to fly way up, free-fall and get back up again just before it it's the ground, with FPV goggles. As the Spark can't do flips and rolls, I though this might be the only way to get a bit of adrenaline rush. :)
Another way of quickly stopping the motor is to catch it from below and turn it upside down. The motors will stop immediately. Now imagine if your Spark is in midair and you stop the motors, if it falls upside down with its belly up, then I guess you will just see it smashing onto the ground rather than restarting the motors and see it flying again. Spark is a recreational drone built for selfies fun and not race drone, it just have to stick to what it is built for.
@msinger, as others have posted correctly, it is a bug in the user guide. It doesn‘t work, like it does with the Mavic.

However, I think there should be a method for emergency stop and emergency start (even if upside down, maybe auto-start at 50m above ground). E.g., to give way to a sudden helicopter.

What hasn‘t been tried by youtubers though, is a motor-off CSC in high altitude.
@msinger, as others have posted correctly, it is a bug in the user guide.
I don't know that the user guide is incorrect. It's a bit vague though. Per this thread in the DJI forum, the "Stop Motor Method" setting (see the screenshot below) defaults to "For use in emergencies only" (just like the Mavic). The difference is that there is no way to toggle that setting to "CSC Maneuver" since that setting is not visible in DJI GO when flying the Spark.

This is a great idea! Take a really expensive flying object and then see if gravity is all it’s cracked up to be. Why not go out next week and buy a Mercedes, drive along a winding road at 70mph and then take your hands off the wheel? Just to see what happens. Or go up into Space with BeardyBranson and then crack open a window? How he’ll laugh! Let us all know how the Spark ‘freefall’ works out.....
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Off course there should be a working kill switch.
Somebody have tried with a phantom, and it worked fine, as you can see here.
Please jump one minute ahead:
I've seen one of a Mavic as well.

This one. Mavic Pro.

There are some of the Spark but the stick command doesn't work?
Just a good game for people don't know how to do with there money :rolleyes:

And when it will go upside down...
I must concede though that there is misuse of the feature. Just saw a yt video of a Mavic climbing 5000 m up in Sport mode. And coming back down with motors off due to very limited remaining battery. No idea why it didn’t turn upside down. Restarted around 200 m and landed just fine, still very disturbing ...

Yet, it tells us the free fall speed of the Mavic, useful to compute impact energy.

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