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iOS HDR apps-any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Has anyone experience of apps that manage the production of HDR output. I had forgotten the capability of Spark to take the necessary 3 different exposure level images and would love to try it. I have Photomatix on my Mac but when I’m out and about I would love to experiment on my iPad. There is quite a selection of apps but most seem to have not been updated for over a year so the developers have clearly given up improving them. Happy to pay for the app.
You have good timing...

Pixelmator Photo for iPad was just released. It is a sophisticated pro-sumer app that does just about everything you can imagine. I pre-ordered it for around $3 but I believe it's still only $5. Similar desktop programs used to cost hundreds.

It's worth a serious lol...
Pixelmator Photo for iPad

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Thanks so much for this. really helpful. I am going to read the reviews in detail. I know it's amazingly cheap frankly for what it does but I want to be sure it handles HDR. There is also the challenge of saving pix to my iPad Photos app and apparently you can't access them directly from the Pixelmator app. Will have a read but very tempted. Do you think it does true HDR-I am aware that you can fudge HDR using a filter or two?
Thanks so much for this. really helpful. I am going to read the reviews in detail. I know it's amazingly cheap frankly for what it does but I want to be sure it handles HDR. There is also the challenge of saving pix to my iPad Photos app and apparently you can't access them directly from the Pixelmator app. Will have a read but very tempted. Do you think it does true HDR-I am aware that you can fudge HDR using a filter or two?

You can now access your iPad photos directly with the Pixelmator Photo app -- there was a bug they fixed within a week of release.

As far as your specific desire to merge multiple photos to create an HDR image -- that's something you'll need to research further on your own. Most high end programs don't bother with that because manually adjusting highlights, shadows and brilliance (etc) gives me better results than any auto-HDR feature could.

The Spark takes great pics on its own. Some need zero fine-tuning -- I wish I could say the same for my DSLR!
Thanks again. Have started to read up on the app and, (as you say) as with most apps of this type, you can simply open Pixelmator, interrogate one’s Photos app and transfer across to Pixelmator for what you want to do. The HDR look is a different matter-I quite like the simplicity of an HDR process and the final result/s so will see if this is included in the spec. The reviews say that Pixelmator have stolen a march on Adobe by bringing all these facilities together in one app. I must say it’s a pain trying to remember which Adobe app to use each time. Hey ho, we are lucky to have so many choices. Very tempted by Pixelmator-thanks to you! By the way it’s £4.99 here.

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