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DJI Spark Gimbal Calibration always failed - python comm_og_service_tool.py com3 WM100 GimbalCalib JointCoarse - can not proceed


New Member
Dec 16, 2021
Please help!

I installed a new Gimbal because my previous one has lines on it so i change it then after replacing the gimbal DJI SPARK was always pointing down so I youtube how to calibrate the gimbal but I cant proceed on this step - python comm_og_service_tool.py com3 WM100 GimbalCalib JointCoarse <<< always com error something... I check my COM ports and nothing wrong with it...

Things I tried

1. Change USB (used the usb from Controller) even used USB from PS4 and samsung charger same issue...

Please help..
Welcome to the forum. I haven't done this procedure but check out these links to see if they contain any help.

Hi everyone. My name is Tom and I'm from Germany.

I found this forum by looking for a gimbal calibration for my spark.

Thanks at all for your detailed descriptions about the calibrating process.
I have used this (DJI Spark Gimbal Calibration - Choice Technology Solutions, LLC) step by step.
After installing python and pyserial I tried to start the process by command

py comm_og_service_tool.py com7 SPARK GimbalCalib JointCoarse

but I get this message:


The Spark is switched on and the USB cable is connected. Also the COM port ist wright (COM7 in my case).
I ran the cmd prompt via admin.
Python 3.10

Can anybody tell me what's my problem?

Thanks and kind regards from Germany!
Hi everyone. My name is Tom and I'm from Germany.

I found this forum by looking for a gimbal calibration for my spark.

Thanks at all for your detailed descriptions about the calibrating process.
I have used this (DJI Spark Gimbal Calibration - Choice Technology Solutions, LLC) step by step.
After installing python and pyserial I tried to start the process by command

py comm_og_service_tool.py com7 SPARK GimbalCalib JointCoarse

but I get this message:

View attachment 14023

The Spark is switched on and the USB cable is connected. Also the COM port ist wright (COM7 in my case).
I ran the cmd prompt via admin.
Python 3.10

Can anybody tell me what's my problem?

Thanks and kind regards from Germany!
Hi! I'm using the same software as you, and I received the same error. I don't know why it happenes, but I'm going to visit my friend who knows Python really well. If we'll be able to find the solution, I will notify you ASAP.
Hi! I'm using the same software as you, and I received the same error. I don't know why it happenes, but I'm going to visit my friend who knows Python really well. If we'll be able to find the solution, I will notify you ASAP.
I had tha same problem.
For me it was a simple but effective solution:

just add --port befor the actual port so in you case:

py comm_og_service_tool.py --port com7 SPARK GimbalCalib JointCoarse

I did that with my Mavic Air 2 and it worked perfectly.
Hi Guys

having similar issue can't fix it i really need your help. please see below. Im using MacBook Pro

Maciej-Mac:dji-firmware-tools-master MattiHsf$ ./comm_og_service_tool.py /dev/tty.usbmodem105 WM231 GimbalCalib JointCoarse

usage: comm_og_service_tool.py [-h] (--port PORT | --bulk) [-b BAUDRATE]

[-w TIMEOUT] [--dry-test] [-v] [--version]

product command ...

comm_og_service_tool.py: error: argument product: invalid choice: '/DEV/TTY.USBMODEM105' (choose from 'A2', 'P330', 'P330V', 'P330Z', 'P330VP', 'WM610', 'P3X', 'P3S', 'MAT100', 'P3C', 'MG1', 'WM325', 'WM330', 'MAT600', 'WM220', 'WM620', 'WM331', 'MAT200', 'MG1S', 'WM332', 'WM100', 'WM230', 'WM335', 'WM240', 'WM245', 'WM246', 'WM160', 'WM231', 'WM232', 'WM260')

Maciej-Mac:dji-firmware-tools-master MattiHsf$
Hi Guys

having similar issue can't fix it i really need your help. please see below. Im using MacBook Pro

Maciej-Mac:dji-firmware-tools-master MattiHsf$ ./comm_og_service_tool.py /dev/tty.usbmodem105 WM231 GimbalCalib JointCoarse

usage: comm_og_service_tool.py [-h] (--port PORT | --bulk) [-b BAUDRATE]

[-w TIMEOUT] [--dry-test] [-v] [--version]

product command ...

comm_og_service_tool.py: error: argument product: invalid choice: '/DEV/TTY.USBMODEM105' (choose from 'A2', 'P330', 'P330V', 'P330Z', 'P330VP', 'WM610', 'P3X', 'P3S', 'MAT100', 'P3C', 'MG1', 'WM325', 'WM330', 'MAT600', 'WM220', 'WM620', 'WM331', 'MAT200', 'MG1S', 'WM332', 'WM100', 'WM230', 'WM335', 'WM240', 'WM245', 'WM246', 'WM160', 'WM231', 'WM232', 'WM260')

Maciej-Mac:dji-firmware-tools-master MattiHsf$
Hlw brother same problem plzz give me the solution

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