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Nice. Did it seem bothered by the drone in anyway or did it just ignore it?

Being from Alaska, I am sure you have had your share of moose encounters. I purposely flew very slow and had the drone just hang around for a while and hover as not to bother the animal while it was on our property & to let it get used to the sound.

The moose seemed pretty indignant of the tiny drone. That being said, I go by what I have been told by wildlife and protection officers in the past... if your presence alters the way the animal behaves, then you need to stop whatever it is you are doing. That goes for tourists, and drone operators. :)
Totally agree. I have so far been able to capture a few Sea Otters in my videos, They just seem to pop up near us. It's not like we are chasing them. It is the one reason I wish the Spark shot in 4K because the fairly wide angle lens means you need to be fairly close to a subject to really have any chance of filling the frame. With 4K you can crop and digitally zoom in a bit.

With the drones, I don't think its not going to be just the decibel levels but the pitch might matter as well. I am trying to get a better handle on how thee drones impact wildlife because I do spend a lot of times outdoors. I think stalking a moose with a DSLR camera and then spooking the moose is not any different than spooking them with a drone. I do think you will get slapped with a harassment charge though if you chase after it with the drone even though one could argue you could do that on foot as well and I have definitely seen examples of crowds of people chasing a bear or moose around trying to get better photos.

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