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Potential buyer for DJI Spark


Sep 29, 2017
Completely new to drones but I just came across the DJI Spark. It seems like it's marketed for complete beginners so that's what caught my interest. Anyway, in doing some further research I've read that there were issues of the Spark falling out of the sky. These seemed to be mostly a few months ago and I read there were some software updates but nothing to confirm whether this has fixed the issue.

Are there any issues or things to warn a new potential buyer like me? I haven't pulled the trigger yet and probably won't unless the issues are resolved.

Completely new to drones but I just came across the DJI Spark. It seems like it's marketed for complete beginners so that's what caught my interest. Anyway, in doing some further research I've read that there were issues of the Spark falling out of the sky. These seemed to be mostly a few months ago and I read there were some software updates but nothing to confirm whether this has fixed the issue.

Are there any issues or things to warn a new potential buyer like me? I haven't pulled the trigger yet and probably won't unless the issues are resolved.

I think the Spark is an excellent way to get started in this amazing hobby. The Spark is really built DJI solid, definitely not a toy. For me, I like the size of the Spark, so easy and compact to travel with. I have a couple of other Phantoms, the 3 & 4, but much easier to travel with the Spark. It all depends on what you plan on using the drone for. The Spark camera is very good, but not as good as the Mavic or Phantoms. The distance isn’t nearly as good with the Spark compared to the others, yet still acceptable. For the cost the Spark is definitely a winner! Although by time you add extra batteries, carry bag and accessories the cost does go up. I haven’t had any issues with my Spark as far as dropping or losing control. Just be careful not to push the envelope on distance flying, both for safety reasons and chance of losing it. Read as much as you can & learn from others. Also fly as much as you can, experience experience experience! Sooo much fun! Good Luck!
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These seemed to be mostly a few months ago and I read there were some software updates but nothing to confirm whether this has fixed the issue.
Most people have never experienced that issue, so it would be hard to confirm if it was ever fixed. DJI released a battery related firmware update on August 21st that is allegedly a fix for that issue.
I'm not an enthusiast and have no intention of drone flying as a hobby (although I never say never). The main reason for this is to be able to take nice videos and photos with me and the party I'm with when I'm out in the country side (or anywhere else that's safe to fly a drone). So really just a way to get some cool home videos/photos. I don't think I'll be using it much to get shots of things without me or my party in it.

It seems like the Spark is a really easy way to get this without any big learning curve. The ability to do things like active tracking/follow is awesome too. Anyway, not planning to push the boundaries of the drone so sounds like this would be a nice early Christmas present to myself :-D
I'm not an enthusiast and have no intention of drone flying as a hobby (although I never say never). The main reason for this is to be able to take nice videos and photos with me and the party I'm with when I'm out in the country side (or anywhere else that's safe to fly a drone). So really just a way to get some cool home videos/photos. I don't think I'll be using it much to get shots of things without me or my party in it.

It seems like the Spark is a really easy way to get this without any big learning curve. The ability to do things like active tracking/follow is awesome too. Anyway, not planning to push the boundaries of the drone so sounds like this would be a nice early Christmas present to myself :-D
The Spark will definitely fit your needs perfectly, Certainly better than those new cheapie selfie drones on the market. The Spark is easy to fly but still a bit of a learning curve. For me & probably most new drone pilots it’s easy to lose the orientation of the drone while flying, especially at far distances which can result in a loss. Just start out slow & safe, as you learn more & build your confidence up. I suspect you will end up using her for more than what you think. Once you start flying you’ll be hooked!
Yep the Spark sounds like it will fit your needs perfectly. And if you decide you want to use it at an "exploration" drone, you can always get the controller and some extra batteries later on.

RE: The "falling from the sky". While not quite an urban legend, accidents and incidents can happen to any quad.. as well as fly-ways and crashes. There are ways to the minimize risks, but ship happens. :)
Only had mine for a few weeks but I'm certainly hooked.
Had a Bugs 3 prior to this which was fine for learnig the controls but lacking things like GPS and auto position holding making filming really tricky.
The Spark is in a different league but as mentioned above, quite a steep although enjoyable learing curve.
I've not had a single issue with mine although I've been fairly cautious follwing all the advice such as pre-flight checks and using beginner mode for the first few flights.
I'm not an enthusiast and have no intention of drone flying as a hobby (although I never say never). The main reason for this is to be able to take nice videos and photos with me and the party I'm with when I'm out in the country side (or anywhere else that's safe to fly a drone). So really just a way to get some cool home videos/photos. I don't think I'll be using it much to get shots of things without me or my party in it.

It seems like the Spark is a really easy way to get this without any big learning curve. The ability to do things like active tracking/follow is awesome too. Anyway, not planning to push the boundaries of the drone so sounds like this would be a nice early Christmas present to myself :-D

One thing to keep in mind ... you will only get about 10 minutes per battery. I do like my Spark, but I always feel like I just put her up and then I need to swap out the battery. I only have two batteries and I feel like I need at least 5-8 if traveling.

Luckily, she boots up really quick and you can get back to capturing the moments.

PS. To put it into perspective, I needed to update battery #2 to the 1.0.600 FW and that process took ~4 minutes and 19% battery life.
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Also, in the follow mode, how does that work if there are multiple people? Will it only work on one person or can it work on multiple people trying to keep everyone in frame?
One thing I feel DJI have done wrong is make the ads a little misleading. It’s not as simple as getting it out if the box and you’re away. I only say this because I have a friend that did exactly that, and was disappointed with the learning involved, plus the updates for firmware... That said - most tech is the same, so if you’re tech savvy you’ll be fine.

You’ll find most (not all, but certainly the majority) of incidents of Sparks crashing or disappearing are down to operator error. Most people can’t be arsed to read the manual, or watch a YouTube video.

To answer your question on follow me. You highlight your target using your phone/tablet.
One thing I feel DJI have done wrong is make the ads a little misleading. It’s not as simple as getting it out if the box and you’re away. I only say this because I have a friend that did exactly that, and was disappointed with the learning involved, plus the updates for firmware... That said - most tech is the same, so if you’re tech savvy you’ll be fine.

You’ll find most (not all, but certainly the majority) of incidents of Sparks crashing or disappearing are down to operator error. Most people can’t be arsed to read the manual, or watch a YouTube video.

To answer your question on follow me. You highlight your target using your phone/tablet.

I agree with the crashes / disappearing likely being due to operator error. The Spark flies, without an RC/Sport mode, extremely slow and stable.

In terms of the targeting, if you set it up without a phone/RC then you need to follow specific steps.

1. Hold it in your hand and point it at your face
2. Press the button twice and watch the LEDs. It will blink certain ways if you are to close or too far away. If it captures your facial recognition then the rotors will fire up.
3. once it in, wave to the Spark and it will fly backwards and follow YOU
4. To bring it back, you put your hands up and it should come down and be ready for a landing

So, there are three ways to control it:

1. Gesture (mentioned above)
2. Mobile Device
3. RC + Mobile (essentially the same as #2).
To the op. Everything that goes up at some point goes down. Spark is likely your best option but has risk like any other rc of falling out or into the sky.
While the Spark is good for a beginner, I'd say just about every DJI drone is. I had a couple different co-workers hear about my drones and just go out and buy a Mavic and the other a Spark without any experience and learn to fly and do stuff on their own. So they aren't that complicated.

But they do require you read and walk-through some of the processes to bind/link, update, use the features.

One of the ways to minimize the risk of fly-always or problems is to use a pre-flight checklist and NOT ignore warning messages, skip steps, and just launch. I've heard of people losing control (more like losing GPS) or have it land where it was not intended.

Coming from years of flying drones when 10 minutes was the max flight time you could get, I think planning what you want to do ensures you have enough battery/flight time. I have three batteries and can usually achieve what I want with 2 batteries. If you aren't getting the footage you want maybe you need to reposition your launch point or what it is you are trying to shoot. What you want may be beyond the capabilities of the Spark...
I agree with the crashes / disappearing likely being due to operator error.

That a what I thought until flight nr 36 when the RC disconnected and the spark never came home. Log was clean... 16 satellites, no errors, no interference over an almost deserted Bahamian Cay, home point recorded, etc. no reason for the spark to disappear

I ll see how long the second one lasts

That said, yes it is a nice drone and it gives you a completely new perspective on your surrounding. The photography/video is why I have one

I just wished DJI had not loaded it with so many complex modes I never use. I wish there was a simple version without gesture control, without all the dronies, selfies, helixes and stuff which only makes the app and FW so complex. Focus on the reliability instead of adding features.
I just wish DJI had not loaded it with so many complex modes I never use. I wish there was a simple version without gesture control, without all the dronies, selfies, helixes and stuff which only makes the app and FW so complex. Focus on the reliability instead of adding features.
I can relate to all of that. I never use any of those gimmicks and never will.
I just fly with remote control (Only) to photograph the world from a bird's eye view.
One thing to keep in mind ... you will only get about 10 minutes per battery. I do like my Spark, but I always feel like I just put her up and then I need to swap out the battery. I only have two batteries and I feel like I need at least 5-8 if traveling.

Luckily, she boots up really quick and you can get back to capturing the moments.

PS. To put it into perspective, I needed to update battery #2 to the 1.0.600 FW and that process took ~4 minutes and 19% battery life.
What are you doing with your batteries? Mine do 15min each.. 13 with crazy winds or sportmode.

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