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Putting a Ring On It

Northwood Mediaworks

Former Spark & Mavic Air 2 Flyer
Premium Pilot
Jan 15, 2018
Northern Ontario, Canada
To my extended family (Drone relatives!)

A little back story... Me and Mrs. Northwood (Julia) have been together for decades, but never actually made it official with one of them guberment license thangs... never saw the need, and money spent on other important things like roofs, appliances, kids, Drones!!!! ..... instead of shiny trinkets.

Well, now that we will be getting something from Mom's estate (she passed recently), it means we need to sort that with the banks. Seeing as Canadian bank regulations** are arcane, and they don't recognize common law marriages, we decided it would be a good idea to finally get hitched. We joked about that a few weeks ago and no more was said.

So last week I went and purchased a wedding ring for her and a wedding band for me, and then got down on one knee yesterday, I popped the question. She said yes!!!!! (it would have been pretty weird if she said no!) We will do a civil ceremony sometime in the near future! She's waving that hand around all over the place today!

So, I am a happy camper... just had to share that with you... we need more good news in this world. ;)

** Most other institutions in Canada recognize common-law and do not differentiate from licensed marriages... they got with the world!
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Outstanding! So happy for the both of you. ? Sorry to hear of your Mom's passing, but we'll all go down that path eventually. I've been married to my best friend for over 43 years now and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm the domesticable type, if I weren't a human I'd probably be some type of cud chewer.
Well dang Robin! This I did not know about you two but that is awesome news! :D So now that it is going to be official and all, I hope you two have decades more time together in the future. Congratulations to you both!! ??
First off sorry for your loss ?

on tying knot ?‍❤️‍?‍?

Jeff ?
To my extended family (Drone relatives!)

A little back story... Me and Mrs. Northwood (Julia) have been together for decades, but never actually made it official with one of them guberment license thangs... never saw the need, and money spent on other important things like roofs, appliances, kids, Drones!!!! ..... instead of shiny trinkets.

Well, now that we will be getting something from Mom's estate (she passed recently), it means we need to sort that with the banks. Seeing as Canadian bank regulations** are arcane, and they don't recognize common law marriages, we decided it would be a good idea to finally get hitched. We joked about that a few weeks ago and no more was said.

So last week I went and purchased a wedding ring for her and a wedding band for me, and then got down on one knee yesterday, I popped the question. She said yes!!!!! (it would have been pretty weird if she said no!) We will do a civil ceremony sometime in the near future! She's waving that hand around all over the place today!

So, I am a happy camper... just had to share that with you... we need more good news in this world. ;)

** Most other institutions in Canada recognize common-law and do not differentiate from licensed marriages... they got with the world!
uhhh nooo never get married .. sorry to be the debbie downer but.. marriage is 50 50 chance.. youll be broke and houseless when she takes the house and half your money and your paying alimony for 2 years... shell take the kids etc...never get married married is a license for a women to steal and destroy you and for the state to collect taxes off you... just have a gf dont marry
It is a good thing that one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole batch. I'm sorry that Locutus40 has such a soured outlook on marriage. I have been married almost 36 years and it of course has had it's ups and downs but I don't see us having any serious problems down the road.

Besides, Robin and his bride to be have had a long trial run of it and from what I have learned about him, they are both going to be happy. ;)
uhhh nooo never get married .. sorry to be the debbie downer but.. marriage is 50 50 chance.. youll be broke and houseless when she takes the house and half your money and your paying alimony for 2 years... shell take the kids etc...never get married married is a license for a women to steal and destroy you and for the state to collect taxes off you... just have a gf dont marry
Well, that could have happened already, potentially several times, but we toughed it out and found we could forgive each other. (well mostly her forgiving me!!!!). The kids have kids now, so they wont be an issue, everything we have is already in both our names, so license or not, we'd be down to the same courthouse. I am guessing you speak from bitter experience, and I feel for ya, that's a story we here all too often. Neither of us wants to be rid of the other as far as I can tell... I dont anticipate any younger foxy women tempting me off to hell, so there you go! (though I can see why they would try - funny nobody else can!) :p
It is a good thing that one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole batch. I'm sorry that Locutus40 has such a soured outlook on marriage. I have been married almost 36 years and it of course has had it's ups and downs but I don't see us having any serious problems down the road.

Besides, Robin and his bride to be have had a long trial run of it and from what I have learned about him, they are both going to be happy. ;)

Thanks Rick... he's not a bad apple, just bruised! And I value all opinions! :cool: Congrats on your long hitch!
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my scorned outlook on marriage.. just wait.. if she decideds to leave she takes everything.. women of the past sure marry them 36 years yea you married one backn in the day im talking about now women now 10 years ago women and now.. only have one objective with men.. we are a paycheck nothing more..
Only time will tell. I am secure in my marriage and I am sorry that you have had some bad experiences with yours. OK, I'm done here and hitting the "UNWATCH" button. Kirk, out. ?
my scorned outlook on marriage.. just wait.. if she decideds to leave she takes everything.. women of the past sure marry them 36 years yea you married one backn in the day im talking about now women now 10 years ago women and now.. only have one objective with men.. we are a paycheck nothing more..

Well, buyer beware I guess ! LOL
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