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spark controller broken scroll wheel for gimbal pitch


New Member
Feb 3, 2020
hi there!

thanks for adding me to these forums!

I bought a pre-owned spark controller and found that it would beep wildly at random or at start up and no matter how much I tried to balance the sticks or if I buttons, it just wouldn't stop.

I opened up the casing to see if I could identify a short circuit instead found a missing spring in the scroll wheel mechanism

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me with best instructions on how rebuild this or replace the part!

thanks in advance!20200203_215735.jpeg
thanks mate - i've checked out quite a few tear down videos on youtube around the spark controller and managed to get to the source of the issue but just thought id ask to see if there was a known fix in the community.
If you bought that online from a source like eBay, I would file a claim on it and get my money back. Looks like you were duped.
thanks @graywoulf, it was actually bought locally, but I hadnt checked the controller for quite sometime after purchase.
i guess i'll need to find a spring that'll do the job of the original somehow...

but yeah, in hindsight, i think i was duped :rolleyes:
I would keep an eye open for one that is being sold for parts on ebay or here. You might check the classifieds in the RC Groups forum as well. Good luck in finding the parts you need.

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