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UPDATE: IT'S DEAD! New York State Has Proposed Legislation That Will Hurt UAV Operators


Premium Pilot
May 27, 2017
Live From New York!
New York State has proposed legislation is that it would prohibit flying above 400 feet and below 100 feet. It would also prohibit flying of unmanned aerial systems (AKA - model aircraft) over 10 pounds. In addition, this legislation defines a "restricted airspace" as any airspace within five miles of an airport. Use the link and click the blue box on the right side with the 'NAY' button then add your name. If this law passes it is only a matter of time before other states follow suit. Even if you live in another state, help stop this from passing!

USE THIS LINK >>> NY State Senate Bill S1979

Below is a copy of the letter from AMA...

Dear members,

We are writing for your help regarding potentially harmful legislation that the New York State Senate is considering. If passed, this legislation - Senate Bill 1979 - would significantly impact how those in New York fly model aircraft.

Our main concern with this proposed legislation is that it would prohibit flying above 400 feet and below 100 feet. It would also prohibit flying of unmanned aerial systems (AKA - model aircraft) over 10 pounds. In addition, this legislation defines a "restricted airspace" as any airspace within five miles of an airport, which could negatively impact AMA members.

The proposed legislation does include a vague exemption for existing federal law, however we are working with the New York State Senate to include a much clearer exemption for those flying under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, including AMA members.

AMA needs your assistance to stop any new regulations on modelers in New York State, and we're asking for your help to oppose this bill. To do this, simply visit the
York State Senate website and where it says "Do you support this legislation?" click on "NAY" in the blue box on the right side of the webpage. You will then be asked to provide your name, email and home address to submit your vote. Please also spread the word to your friends, family and local community and encourage them to vote "NAY" to this potentially harmful legislation.

The District II AMA officers and those at AMA headquarters are actively working with the New York State Senate to improve the proposed legislation and protect our hobby. We will keep you updated as the legislation progresses.

Kind regards,

The AMA Government Affairs Team
What a bunch of hooey.
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I live in NYS and routinely fly within five miles of an airport. The airport manager has been great and has no problems with drones flying in the area.

This is definitely concerning.
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It has failed to make it to the floor! Thanks to those who helped make this happen!


Dear Members,

We are writing with good news regarding a potentially harmful piece of legislation proposed by the New York State Senate. As of now, New York Senate Bill SB1979 will not be moving forward to a vote on the floor this session. I appreciate the recent efforts of our AMA members, friends, and families in responding to legislation harmful to our hobby.

Rest assured your AMA District II Officers and the AMA Government Affairs team will continue direct advocacy with elected officials to preserve our hobby. It is your collective voices, as both constituents and safe modelers, which serve as the driving force in the perceptions and decision making of elected officials.

We will continue to monitor New York legislation, and may need your help again if this bill or similar bills are introduced in the future.

As always, thank you for supporting model aviation.



Eric Williams
Vice President, District II
Academy of Model Aeronautics
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