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But, isn't DJI owned by the Trilateral Commission?
Good link, Robin. Drone Valley Rick is spot-on with his assessment. This is an informed refutation of the Trojan Horse post about the subject matter instigator. Unfortunately, the congressman from Florida is not going to be swayed by the facts because the truth doesn't provide any political capitol for him to get publicity. I'm a fourth generation Floridian and I am appalled by the people representing our state at the national level.
The Chinese don’t need drones to spy on us, they can just use Google Earth.

Not to mention the phones we all have that may have apps like Pokemon Go that have you chase an imaginary character while using the camera to capture every possible angle inside or outside of buildings with a GPS tracker to boot.

Just click "I agree" in the user agreement. ?

Now where did my aluminum foil go to ?:rolleyes:
I should have said to all levels of government. But sadly there are many politicians who are in it for themselves, and if misinformation serves them, well the truth is cast aside. I am so tired of populism, but, i digress.....

I still wonder how many coffees Rick at Drone Valley puts away each day! Gotta love him though.
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