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Crashed my Spark today...

Looks like bad luck rather than operator error or drone error. The surface of that cross might have deflected, rather than reflected, the obstacle avoidance signal. To prevent such an event occurring again I would set the RTH height to 42-45 metres just in case. My RTH height is usually just 30m high.
The highest point on our site is 60,5 meters (crane and overhead pylon. See my progress videos). My RTH height is minimum 65 meters. When working or wind, I increase to 70 meters. Better save then sorry
I feel for you my friend. I have yet to crash my spark (in a manner like you shared) but have learned that every time I fly I do the following. It's a discipline thing and is part of my preflight routine...
1) Calibrate my spark
2) Ensure my settings such as RTH altitude are set correctly for the area that I am flying
3) ALWAYS assume that you might have to engage the RTH at any point during your flight and go through the Scenario in your head
Big misconception... do NOT calibrate your drone every time for obvious no reason.
The drone will inform you to do that when the compass needs to be calibrated. If not.... don't do it.
The avoidance system on the Spark isn't as good or "sensitive" as the Mavic or Phantom 4. I was demonstrating the collision avoidance to my brother. I had it fly at me at "head height" and the Spark didn't "see" my melon head and would have hit me. Second I always set my RTH altitude when I go to a new flying site. I set the RTH altitude way higher than the tallest object I can see or my fly over...
I'd like to do this also. Do you just guesstimate the heights of objects around I read somewhere that there is an app that can give you an idea of the height of something. Just don't know what the app is called.
Over time I've kinda learned to "guestimate" height of objects. If I'm not sure I'll set the RTH very high. Unless there are very high winds above, setting my RTH high isn't usually or has been an issue...

I'd like to do this also. Do you just guesstimate the heights of objects around I read somewhere that there is an app that can give you an idea of the height of something. Just don't know what the app is called.
Even though you fly in normal mode, obstacle avoidance can be disabled in the options. If you upload your flight log to AirData, you'll find out if it was enabled or not. I sometimes disable obstacle avoidance to make it go faster while keeping the camera steady
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I never guess. I elevate, check my heights and surrounding and then start filming.
Not other way around. This is when accidents happen
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