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Fly backwards in Litchi


Dec 14, 2019
Central Victoria, Australia
Is it possible with Spark to use the negative speed values in Litchi to fly a mission backwards? This would mean the AC flies with the camera pointing backwards. When I try this, the Spark starts the mission and just hovers above the take-off point.
Is it possible with Spark to use the negative speed values in Litchi to fly a mission backwards? This would mean the AC flies with the camera pointing backwards. When I try this, the Spark starts the mission and just hovers above the take-off point.
Great question. Hope you get the answer.
If you want it backwards why not fly it forwards and then reverse the video in editing? Same same but easier?
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If you want it backwards why not fly it forwards and then reverse the video in editing? Same same but easier?

This is within the mission feature.
It is easy if you are just flying one leg.
But if you want to go out 100m, turn right, go 100m, back up 100m go out on a different angle 100m...that is kind of difficult.
So do the -speed for the 3rd leg.
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The problem is when I set a negative cruising speed for the entire mission the ac just takes off and hovers. Am I missing something? Litchi user manual says ac should fly backwards.

Cannot be for the entire mission.
It must go forward first.
Kind of like the mission description I laid out for Luno.

I think I know the effect you are looking for...haveing it video where it has been?
If so, then see the heading reading and subtract 180° from it.
That heading will show where the Spark has been.
To enable the Spark to fly a mission backwards in Litchi; when you construct a mission, the heading mode in settings must be set to "Custom" (iOS) each waypoint heading is now given as "0", if you change the heading using the slider so the icon of the ac is pointing backwards the ac will fly backwards even from the first waypoint. The speed settings remain positive, not negative. I suspect the negative speed feature does not work with Spark. Thanks for all the help.
To enable the Spark to fly a mission backwards in Litchi; when you construct a mission, the heading mode in settings must be set to "Custom" (iOS) each waypoint heading is now given as "0", if you change the heading using the slider so the icon of the ac is pointing backwards the ac will fly backwards even from the first waypoint. The speed settings remain positive, not negative. I suspect the negative speed feature does not work with Spark. Thanks for all the help.

That is correct.
If you use the method I mentioned to fly backwards, then you do not use the ' - ' before the speed.
But the heading is 0 by default only if you select Initial Direction (initial on iOS, ID on hub)
Towards next Waypoint (Auto on iOS, TW on hub)

The ' - ' does work with a Spark.
I used it myself a few times to test/ practice.
It is like I said in an earlier post, if you want to go backwards, you need to go forward at least on the first leg.
Is it possible with Spark to use the negative speed values in Litchi to fly a mission backwards? This would mean the AC flies with the camera pointing backwards. When I try this, the Spark starts the mission and just hovers above the take-off point.
You can do it with Drone Harmony - but I think it only works with Android (not positive on that).
No need to fly the mission backwards, just keep the points of interest in the opposite direction to the direction of travel and the drone will fly backwards automatically. No need for negative speeds!

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