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Hangar 360 Spark support


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
iOS update for Hanger 360 brings spark support. Will have to try it out tomorrow morning.
Had never heard of that app, so thanks for sharing. If I get time today I’ll give it a go.
I worries it looks cool.
Hello, I've used Hangar 360 with my Phantom 3, and now want to try it with my new Spark.

I cannot find any how to's on the Hangar site for using the app with the Spark. Should it be in Sport mode or not, how does one halt a mission if things go awry? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! I tried hangar with my spark yesterday and the result is nice. I was suprised that when I selected "start mission" while my bird was still on the ground, it just took off and climbed up to 90 metres and started shooting. I was really happy that there was huge open space with no obstacles. I completely forgot to try to interrupt bird mid-mission though.
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How does this work? Do you go through the normal pre-flight using Go, then wait for GPS lock, then switch apps?
What if I want to take control of the Spark due to an emergency?

Here’s their little intro screen. Sounds like the sport mode is the way to overide. But I’m going to test today and find out.
I cannot find any how to's on the Hangar site for using the app with the Spark. Should it be in Sport mode or not, how does one halt a mission if things go awry? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

The controller should be on normal flight mode / P, you slide the switch to Sport mode if you need to take control in an emergency.

Basically you close DJI GO 4, load the app, once it says you are good to fly (GPS mode etc) you can launch by pressing the 360 Photo button, it will fly to 300 feet and take the pictures. You will then be asked whether you want to continue flying or land.

Alternatively you can load the app, take off, fly to the location and altitude you want to start from, press the button '360 Photo' and you will be asked whether you want to remain at current altitude or go to 300 feet.

You can also switch to the app mid flight, leave the Spark in a hover, close DJI GO 4 fully, load Hangar 360, take your pictures. Close Hangar 360, load DJI GO 4 and continue flying.

Whatever option you use once the images are taken you will be prompted to download the pictures from the Spark to the application, once downloaded you are then prompted to upload them to the internet so that Hangar 360 can process the images. This can be done later.

I posted an example in less than ideal lighting conditions here Hangar 360 App - 360 Photos with Spark?
How does this work? Do you go through the normal pre-flight using Go, then wait for GPS lock, then switch apps?
What if I want to take control of the Spark due to an emergency?

Hopefully my other post helps. I tend to use DJI Go 4 first as I like to have a general fly around but the app does relay information about GPS lock so its up to you.
The wind has died down here, and the sun is out - so I'm going to try this later.
just had a fly away by putting spark on 50 meters, started taking pics and after 5 pics told me "connection lost" and gone with the wind, no rescue by switch to sportmode nor RTH.
Got in my car and drove bit around and found it hovering at 500 meter from where I live ... got very Lucky!!!
I wil NOT use the hangar 360 again so :-(((
Have only used the hangar app with my Mavic Pro, so my experiences are based on that.
Some things to take into account:
1. The resulting 360 image is stored on their site, and you can link to that.
2. The separate images are stored on your sd card, so you can then re-create the stitched panorama with your own software.
3. Hangar changes the image settings of your drone. For the Mavic for example, it switches from jpeg +raw to jpeg only. VERY frustrating if you forget to set that back after running the app! Same goes for example for exposure compensation.

Having said that, I think it is an app that really complements the Sparks normal target usage, but with the incorporation of the 360 pano in dji go, I see no real reason to use the hangar app anymore.

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