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Possible bad battery?


Apr 28, 2018
I recently started a air data account,very informative and interesting to go over but am I correctly reading that the 3rd cell is going bad

I recently started a air data account,very informative and interesting to go over but am I correctly reading that the 3rd cell is going bad

You may wish to change your battery as I have had one that looked like this as well. I only found out that I had a battery issue after my drone was about 60 feet in the air and lost power shortly after takeoff on a battery that was fully charged. Ater this happened I check my flight logs and found that my battery looked very much as your print out does

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If this has happened only once or twice, I don't think you should be worried too much. This phenomenon is called major cell deviation. The explanation is there in the airdata site itself. Here's what it says.

Major deviation is when a cell differs more than 0.07v from the other cells.
Please note that normal batteries can have a few of these.
An abnormal battery will:
A) Have most of the major deviations in one cell
B) There will be multiple major deviations per minute, and more than 10 total
C) The deviations continue longer than 1 minute
If your battery shows all symptoms (example, another) then this is considered a more severe case of an inefficient battery and may impact the battery life.
If your battery has only 1-4 instances on the same cell, don't worry too much about it. If it has 5-10 instances - then continue to track and make sure it does not degrade.

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