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Going Fishing


May 27, 2019
As a new Spark owner I am in the introduction and study phase of getting aquatinted with the Spark and watching YouTube videos. Flown little too scared it will fly away because of my inexperience. I need help in the form of some suggestions. I am going on a fishing trip to place with most beautiful rugged and pristine coastline, far from anybody and anything. I would like to photograph and video the beach and the surf area and bring home stunning images without loosing my Spark!
Question 1: Can I use the basic camera settings to take good pictures or do I have to make adjustments?
Question 2: A few basic tips to fly and photograph the coastline without loosing in the water or flying away?
Question 3: Can the sea air damage the Spark and what precautions should I take?
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Hello from the Hoosier Heartland, Flyfish.

Although I can't help with camera settings and the coastal photography since I'm a land locked in the Mid West, I can welcome you to the Forum where there's plenty of help here from others.:cool:
I live in the east coast of Florida so much of my flying is over water.

Q1: The Spark's photographs using Auto settings come out great - no adjustments needed. You can always use the AEB setting to take a group of bracketed exposure photos to ensure you get the shot. If you are taking pictures with water you may want to consider a polarizing filter to cut glare and get better water colors.

Q2: You mentioned you are a new pilot -unnfortunately the best way to fly over water safely is to log plenty of time first flying over dry land. Managing battery reserve and mastering manual return to home are key. Hand landing is often the rule rather than the exception since often there are no flat clear landing zones available.

Q3: I live on the beach so everything I own is exposed to a salt air environment. It takes years for any noticable corrosion to occur so I wouldn't worry about taking your Spark on short trips to the coast. I have several flat screen TV on my back porch with no ill effects.
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Welcome to the forum! :)

Can I use the basic camera settings to take good pictures or do I have to make adjustments?
This video has a lot of great tips for setting the color and exposure. As you take photos over time and experiment with the camera settings, you'll find the settings that work best for you.

A few basic tips to fly and photograph the coastline without loosing in the water or flying away?
  • Take off from dry land (if possible) so the home point can be marked on dry land. That'll allow the Spark to return to a safe place if it needs to auto return to home and land for some reason.

  • Start with a fully charged battery.

  • Pay attention to the wind. If it's too strong, the Spark will not be able to make forward progress when flying into the wind. And when it's strong, the Spark won't be able to fly as quickly when flying into the wind -- which will require more time and battery power to reach its destination.

  • Don't fly close to the surface of the water unless you can clearly see the Spark with your eyes.
If you get caught in strong winds remember you can to sport mode if you have the controller and zip back to safety as I have flown and got caught by gust
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If you get caught in strong winds remember you can to sport mode if you have the controller and zip back to safety as I have flown and got caught by gust

Something I should have implemented a couple days ago which would have avoided loosing Sparky in the forest....but thanks to great help from Forum members, nilanjan118 and msinger among others....I found Sparky and it was so happy that I found it and retrieved from the big bad forest...I swear it auto rotated it's propellers out of joy and with no batteries !

Dear Sparky.....I lost sleep over loosing it....LOL!

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