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GPS bug?

How can a reset of week number, affect GPS positioning system?

One more conspiracy theory, like that of y2k.

LOL. I worked in Healthcare IT (actually still do, but as a consultant) for a large New England hospital during the 90s and early 00s. We had dozens of developers who spent literally years combing through code and fixing potential Y2K issues. The fact that it was such a non-event had everything to do with the diligence most businesses applied to making sure things went without incident.

Calling it a "conspiracy theory" is an insult to the millions of man hours invested in making sure the rollover went smoothly.
Hey, to quote a paragraph in this article... (Some GPS receivers may malfunction on or after April 6 | ZDNet)

While most modern GPS receivers shouldn't be affected by this (devices that conform to IS-GPS-200 and provides UTC will be fine), testing carried out by the US Department for Homeland Security (DHS) showed that there is a possibility that some will interpret this rollover as the date shifting back to January 6, 1980, or possibly some other incorrect date.

So for Spark users this is likely a non event, but I have a few really old GPS units, it will be fun to see how they deal with April 6.

I was part of a Y2K IT preparedness team back in the day, it was grueling, due-diligence and all that... so we were quite relieved when the sky did not fall... but it was a LOT of work.
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Is there any indication that DJI is looking into this or preparing a firmware update if needed? I agree that there is not likely to be an issue with the Spark but I'm still curious about any possible issues. I have an old Garmin GPS unit that I will check out after April 6 just to see if it has been affected. It does sound strange though that this reset could affect a major portion of all GPS units out there. What about older aircraft and ship navigations? They can't be left unusable. We will see I guess.
Is there any indication that DJI is looking into this or preparing a firmware update if needed? I agree that there is not likely to be an issue with the Spark but I'm still curious about any possible issues. I have an old Garmin GPS unit that I will check out after April 6 just to see if it has been affected. It does sound strange though that this reset could affect a major portion of all GPS units out there. What about older aircraft and ship navigations? They can't be left unusable. We will see I guess.

Better get out the hard hats! o_O
Several articles I've read state that it will only effect GPS devices Pre 2010. So I guess my Spark will be OK but 2009 Infiniti G37x Coupe will be FUBAR.

LOL. I worked in Healthcare IT (actually still do, but as a consultant) for a large New England hospital during the 90s and early 00s. We had dozens of developers who spent literally years combing through code and fixing potential Y2K issues. The fact that it was such a non-event had everything to do with the diligence most businesses applied to making sure things went without incident.

Calling it a "conspiracy theory" is an insult to the millions of man hours invested in making sure the rollover went smoothly.

I am in the IT business too.

I was working for one of the top 10 telecom organizations in Europe.
We had to deal with huge databases and millions of code lines.
We achieved a smooth rollover, with a little effort.

And it was a conspiracy theory for sure.
I remember all the rumours about satellites falling, banks out of order, and our civilization being in danger.
Even with all of the $$ our company spent fixing improper code it was still a bit of a heart-in-throat moment when midnight rolled over :eek:
I am in the IT business too.

I was working for one of the top 10 telecom organizations in Europe.
We had to deal with huge databases and millions of code lines.
We achieved a smooth rollover, with a little effort.

And it was a conspiracy theory for sure.
I remember all the rumours about satellites falling, banks out of order, and our civilization being in danger.

I'm pretty sure a conspiracy requires conspirators as an originator or focal point. What you're referring to is more commonly known as "wild eyed speculation," which in the end turned out to be unwarranted due to the thousands of man (and woman) years invested in making sure the worst didn't happen.
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Even with all of the $$ our company spent fixing improper code it was still a bit of a heart-in-throat moment when midnight rolled over :eek:

LOL, yeah ... the team I was working with at midnight on 12/31/1999 all went to the roof of the parking garage to watch the lights go out and the world explode. Sadly, it didn't happen ;)
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The Spark drone already is doing fly a ways with the GPS and DJI won't do anything about it now? Other then sale you another one and still won't fix the problem.. They keep getting richer by the fly a way's that are not supposed to happen! And when you report it everything to DJI they look everyway they can to try and make it your fault? But DJI could not do that to me because my log ended in the sky! To this day I'm still blow away on where that drone went? So why don't anyone do video's on fly aways? Any time someone brings up the word fly away? I got to ask why do the spark drones still fay away with a fail safe mode? I guess it's no longer a fail safe mode? what do you think? I'm still PO about this!
Dji's drones have modern GPS modules, they use glonass as well, GPS positioning is not affected by date, rollover will be done in seconds, and everything will be ok.

If someone is afraid, he should stay indoors that day.
If someone thinks that after that day, drones, planes and birds will fly away, or will fall off the skies, he should sell his drones for $50 each. I will buy them.
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