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Spark or Mavic Air

Jun 10, 2018
I was contemplating buying the Mavic Air but decided to stick with my Spark for the reason of: Flight time on the Spark is about 5 min less then the Mavic Air and the quality of the videos are both almost the same 1080p vs 4k ...looks almost the same. The flight time on the Air turned me off.
I have both and I honestly cannot tell you which one I like the most. Sparkles is up and going in no time and is tough as a tank plus I love the camera. Mavic Air is so much fun to fly on sport mode it really gets my heart pumping and has some flight modes that I really enjoy.
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I would take an Air over the Spark almost all of the time. I have both. 2.7k 60fps video on the Air is what I most often use. Edit at 1080P letting me zoom the video in post without pixelation. I also love the 360° panoramas the Air make. Spark does not have this feature.
I have a P3A, and couldn’t decide which to get, spark or air.
I went for the spark and have no regrets. I rarely use the phantom now.
The Spark is quicker to get flying for me. I rarely fly over 12 or so minutes so flying time is not an issue. I love 4k but I can't view or edit it with my equipment. Both are very quick in sport mode but I rarely use that except out and back and both do it well. We all know about the noise. I guess I like the Air better..but... I wouldn't want to lose either one. I decided to get rid of my Phantom 10 seconds after lifting off with the Spark. .....and I sure didn't let the person buying the Phantom see the Spark;)

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