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They will find you (maybe!)

Oh goody.:rolleyes:

I can see this being used as a way to form a cyber lynch mob of sorts if it's available to all in the app stores.

"The pilot in command is over there, get 'em!" ?

Grant it, any persons that may interfere with an active flight could be held liable.

I watched Drone U's interview with Brendan Schulman on this subject and found it very informative How DJI fulfills Remote ID on Mobile particularly his points on the two proposals on how to accomplish it.

First thing to understand is that this Remote ID requirement is government driven in an effort to identify aircraft and users in the NAS. Law enforcement entities such as DOJ, DHS, DOD and others are concerned that inappropriate use of drones has the potential to threaten the safety and welfare of the public. This is not going to go away.

Second thing, as a major stakeholder in formulation of this process, DJI has participated in the advisory committees and advocated that the implementation should protect the privacy rights of the sUAV pilot and to do it in such as way as to minimize costs. They have demonstrated what is being called the "WiFi-to-Phone" method outlined in 51drone's video above. Compared to the network based method, it is the least invasive of the two. Network methods would require establishment of a database of users, may require user fees/subscriptions, and may require special equipment to monitor drone activity.

Third thing, it has been proposed in the above video and in Mr. Schulman's interview that the location of the pilot could/should be made visible only to the proper authorities with a need to know. Identification of the drone would be similar to getting an automobile's tag number to initiate a complaint. DJI has said software can provide the information without the need for additional hardware.

Fourth, the FAA (USA) is expected to open the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in December. This is the prime opportunity for every drone operator to submit carefully thought-out ideas to provide the policymakers with informed information prior to their final decision. One successful effort from doing this was when the original Part 107 rules were being formulated, the proposal was to limit all drone flights to 400 ft. AGL. Persons that saw the need to be able to fly higher for building/roof inspections, tower inspections, etc. were able to convince the FAA of the need to fly higher for specific reasons. The final rule allows Part 107 operators to fly up to 400 ft. above the specific structure. User input is vital, but it needs to be constructive. Simply saying Remote ID is bad and needs to go away is not going to work, so be thinking of your concerns and submit them when the NPRM period is announced.
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So I came across this video in one of my subscriptions, it has deep implications, I dont see anyone discussing here yet, so have a look and let me know how you feel about it.

Hi there,
Actually we have a similar discussion in this thread
Hi there,
Actually we have a similar discussion in this thread
I did do a quick search, but missed that. Everyone needs to pay attention to this issue regardless.
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In my opinion this app needs to be only available to the authorities. I do not like the idea of others being able to find me while I am flying to confront me about what I am doing. On the other hand, this is just another thing that makes me think that I need to sell my Spark and go back to flying toy drones. ?
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This seems simply like a way to control the hobbyist and allow for big dollar corporations like UPS and Amazon to have the air to them selves. If they make it frustrating enough then the average guy doesn’t want to have to deal with all the things that they need to do to fly around their land or while on vacation. Of course I could be way of subject here.
In my opinion this app needs to be only available to the authorities. I do not like the idea of others being able to find me while I am flying to confront me about what I am doing. On the other hand, this is just another thing that makes me think that I need to sell my Spark and go back to flying toy drones. [emoji848]
If this app is only available to government departments I don't have any problems with it. To protect our hobby we need to weed out the rouges.

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