A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.4.15 includes the following changes:
- Renamed the “OSD.motorRevolution” field to “OSD.flightCount”. This field was incorrectly labeled and actually tracks the count of flights started since the battery was powered on.
- Renamed the “HOME.isCompassCeiling” field to “HOME.isCompassCalibrating”.
- Renamed the “HOME.compassCeleStatus” field to “HOME.compassCalibrationState.RAW”.
- Added “HOME.compassCalibrationState” field to display the text status of the compass calibration state.
- Added “OSD.flyTime [ms]” field to show the accumulated flight time in milliseconds since the aircraft’s motors were started.
- Added “RC.aileron [percent]”, “RC.elevator [percent]”, “RC.throttle [percent]”, “RC.rudder [percent]” fields to show the remote controller stick location as a percentage in the up/down or right/left direction. When set to 0%, the remote controller stick is in the default center position.
- Added row index column to the left side of the aircraft/battery log window to show the number of rows displayed.
- Added descriptions for all fields. In the “Logs/Reports” section of the Flight Reader Options window, a tooltip will appear when pointing at the fields in the available/selected lists. When viewin the aircraft/battery log, a tootlip will appear when pointing at the column field names.
- Resolved an issue that sometimes prevented the last line of the log from being exported.