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I need help setting up Spark in Los Angeles.

Dec 1, 2017
I just got my Spark. Saw all the online videos, read all the info. I just can't the drone to work. I don't know if it's me or the drone is not working. Is there anyone in the San Gabriel Valley/Pasadena, California who can help me? I will pay for their time.
Really would a response soon.
Thank You
If you aren't able to find anyone local, then please feel free to go into more detail here. We'd be happy to help you.
I upgraded the firmware to V01.00.0701, 2017-10-31, no problem with the app. through my computer. I am not using my cell phone to control the Spark, I am using the remote control. I charged the batteries fully. I paired the remote control with the Spark. When I use the jog wheel on the remote, the gimbal ( video cam ) on the Spark goes up and down. But when I try to get the motors starting by using both joystick together nothing happens. I am going crazy. Is there someone I can talk to over the phone or meet in person to see what is going on? I will pay someone for their time. This texting and email is a pain for me.
when I try to get the motors starting by using both joystick together nothing happens
If beginner mode is enabled, try disabling it to see if the motors will start then. You can find that setting in the following section of DJI GO:


If that does not resolve the problem, then try calibrating the Spark remote controller in DJI GO like this:

You said that you weren't using your phone but just the remote.. I think the remote has to piggy back the phone. So you need to follow the steps to get the wifi enabled on the spark than look for it on your phone. Than you will be using both the remote and phone.
I got it working. The problem I have is what if my phone goes out during flight. I want to bring it home just using the remote. Thanks for the advice, really appreciate it.
The problem I have is what if my phone goes out during flight. I want to bring it home just using the remote.
The Spark is only controlled by the remote controller when flying with the remote controller, so you'll still be able to continue flying as long as the remote controller is connected to the Spark. Just keep the Spark within visual sight (so you can see it with your eyes) and you should have no trouble bringing it back if your phone shuts off or the DJI GO shuts down for some reason.
Put it in beginner mode and try it. Than when your comfortable you can take it out of that mode

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