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Gimbal Motor Overload tip


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Have been getting this message a lot up until recently but I have found that if I move the gimbal wheel (shortcut on my RC) slowly rather than whack it straight down it seems to work with no overload message. I have the gimbal setting at 10% so I wonder whether the motor was struggling to deliver the instruction so quickly. I hope this makes sense?
Are you using a lens filter?
I never invested in the expensive filters but the cheap ones generated gimbal overload every time.
Just a thought.
I don’t but good thought. I suspect that if the problem is not due to a fast finger roll on the short cut it’s probably due to some residual dried mud (from a pancake in a river bank) where I can’t get a cotton wool bud. Am going to try some gentle compressed air. Wish me luck!
10% setting shouldn’t be a problem. There must be a different reason you see that message.

The gimbal overload error is trigger when too much resistance is encountered. I’ve seen it with filter (as noted above). Also at full speed in Sport Mode when sun hood used (excess turbulent air).

Most likely is foreign body such as sand granules in gimbal motor. This can occur during take off from prop wash kicking up debris. With Spark off you can manually rotate the camera and sometimes works it out. I’ve also used fine lens brush to clean the joint mechanism. Compressed air is a last resort because you could force the debris further in.

Good luck. When I get gimbal error I can only clear by landing and power cycling drone. That gets old quick!
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10% setting shouldn’t be a problem. There must be a different reason you see that message.

The gimbal overload error is trigger when too much resistance is encountered. I’ve seen it with filter (as noted above). Also at full speed in Sport Mode when sun hood used (excess turbulent air).

Most likely is foreign body such as sand granules in gimbal motor. This can occur during take off from prop wash kicking up debris. With Spark off you can manually rotate the camera and sometimes works it out. I’ve also used fine lens brush to clean the joint mechanism. Compressed air is a last resort because you could force the debris further in.

Good luck. When I get gimbal error I can only clear by landing and power cycling drone. That gets old quick!
Thanks Andre. Wise words. I now take off from an H pad but have not done that all the time. The gimbal does work sometimes and as you say a landing, reset and take off again seems to clear it. I will give it a very gentle blast if it keeps on doing it and I presume I angle that at the rotary frame where the gimbal moves up and down (sorry not very technical terms and I hope you know what I mean) or is it further in behind the gimbal?
Thanks Andre. Wise words. I now take off from an H pad but have not done that all the time. The gimbal does work sometimes and as you say a landing, reset and take off again seems to clear it. I will give it a very gentle blast if it keeps on doing it and I presume I angle that at the rotary frame where the gimbal moves up and down (sorry not very technical terms and I hope you know what I mean) or is it further in behind the gimbal?

If it fails when you are tilting the camera up and down I’d try cleaning where the two rotating surfaces are close together (near the pivot point).

If the error is during flight when camera trying to stabilize image with 2-axis mechanism I’d start further back.

If none of that works you’ll need to entertain the possibility that it’s just broken. There have been some posts when a hard landing or drop from just waist high has caused this — hopefully not.
If it fails when you are tilting the camera up and down I’d try cleaning where the two rotating surfaces are close together (near the pivot point).

If the error is during flight when camera trying to stabilize image with 2-axis mechanism I’d start further back.

If none of that works you’ll need to entertain the possibility that it’s just broken. There have been some posts when a hard landing or drop from just waist high has caused this — hopefully not.
Pretty sure it’s not a complete goner but will see how it goes. I’ll nurse it as much as poss and see if a gentle swoosh of not-so-fresh air works. Thanks for the pointers.
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Ha ve been getting this message a lot up until recently but I have found that if I move the gimbal wheel (shortcut on my RC) slowly rather than whack it straight down it seems to work with no overload message. I have the gimbal setting at 10% so I wonder whether the motor was struggling to deliver the instruction so quickly. I hope this makes sense?
thank you for the tip

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