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Spark has more WiFi range than Mavic Pro in real world test?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
I just watched a YouTube video where the guy tested the WiFi range of his Spark and his Mavic Pro. The Spark won at 255' over the Mavic Pro at 159'. That seems very odd and maybe not representative of each drone's signal strength in WiFi.

Thoughts? Anyone want to test their Mavic for distance in WiFi mode?

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It would make sense.

The DJI Spark has a dedicated WIFI transmission system.
Where as the Mavic has both wifi and Occusync.
I would assume a dedicated system is always better as it has only 1 sole task.

Also, the Mavic was the first DJI device that allowed direct wifi connect from smartdevice/samrtphone to aircraft. This means the second iteration (in the spark) would have improvements.

DJI is really pushing Spark users to fly without the controller. They really want spark users to be more personal and basically take the Spark everywhere they go and fly with smartdevice/phone. They want users to be assured that they wont lose FPV connection.

And finally, you need to remember that your smartdevice/phone will differ from model/brand. Some devices have poor wifi range. So if you are going to do tests, make sure you use the same smartdevice/phone.
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Your answer makes sense. I saw another video testing just the WiFi range of the Spark today and they came up with the same range essentially as the other test at 79 meters or 259 feet.

I see myself using the Spark with WiFi most of the time, but that could change after I use it over time. I have an iPad Mini 4 that I could use or my iPhone 6 Plus.
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Wait a sec. The WiFi range of the Mavic is deliberatly crippled / limited.
I flew my Bebop 2 up to 3km away with WiFi but the Mavic is limited.
QUestion is if the Spark is limited as well or if you can fly it until connection breaks.
If the latter is the case i wont need the controller as i got a Nvidia Shield portable with WiFi Amp good for some km range...

So lets see !

The Mavic actually loses connection. I've seen mine do this exactly when I get too far out. It looks like the Spark is hitting a limit set in the software.

From what I've seen in the available information, it seems the range of the Spark when being controlled from a phone is artificially limited at 100m out and 50m up.

If you watch the Spark portion of the video it doesn't really lose connection, it just can't go any further because the maximum distance was reached. Look at that message, "Max Flight Distance Reached. Adjust in Main Controller settings if necessary". It isn't quite at the max distance, but it is right there at the max altitude of 50m. I wonder if he descended a few feet if he could go out just a few more feet.
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Interesting. One thing is for sure. This group of Spark owners and others will be putting the Spark through all kinds of distance tests and other tests. So, in six months or sooner we will know a lot more of the Spark's capabilities.
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The Mavic actually loses connection. I've seen mine do this exactly when I get too far out. It looks like the Spark is hitting a limit set in the software.

From what I've seen in the available information, it seems the range of the Spark when being controlled from a phone is artificially limited at 100m out and 50m up.

If you watch the Spark portion of the video it doesn't really lose connection, it just can't go any further because the maximum distance was reached. Look at that message, "Max Flight Distance Reached. Adjust in Main Controller settings if necessary". It isn't quite at the max distance, but it is right there at the max altitude of 50m. I wonder if he descended a few feet if he could go out just a few more feet.
Hi !
**** you are right, so its the same stupid artificial limit.

WHY is my Question, it would do RTH as it does if you loose connection with the remote further out, WHY ?


Interesting. One thing is for sure. This group of Spark owners and others will be putting the Spark through all kinds of distance tests and other tests. So, in six months or sooner we will know a lot more of the Spark's capabilities.

All those tests will no doubt result in many firmware tweaks that will improve the Spark to even more.
That's a good point. I sure hope we don't have the number of fly-aways and other problems/crashes like the Mavic, but I'm prepared for them. They might even be more common with so many newbies buying them. And I include myself as a newbie.
All those tests will no doubt result in many firmware tweaks that will improve the Spark to even more.
I can only hope that DJI will not impose extra limits after the selfie crowd hits the skies and the first reports of reckless usage and stupidity flow all over the web. That still worries me. The morons that ultimately will force DJI to ruin a perfectly capable little quad and render it to a limited flying selfie stick.

My idea would be to limit it even further when just flown with gestures or smartphone, like max 30m up and out. To be able to use a remote controller one would first have to prove that he/she knows at least the general safety rules and shows advanced flying skills (flying figures and patterns in atti mode, nose in and nose out), in a test that they could do using their Spark and phone app, within the set limits. Only after a successful test the user would get an unlock key for a remote and be able to use it to the full.

But that's just a dream. People probably wouldn't accept that and stop buying the Spark all together.
I hear mixed reviews about the image quality of the Spark (both stills and video). I'm wondering if you all could weigh in on that, with 5 starts for excellent or send me a informative link on this topic thx!
I hear mixed reviews about the image quality of the Spark (both stills and video). I'm wondering if you all could weigh in on that, with 5 starts for excellent or send me a informative link on this topic thx!

Links to download original unedited Spark footage :


Know you can make yourself a pretty good idea about the Spark video quality ;)

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