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Canadian singer/songwriter "be calm in the face of all common disgrace, and know what they're doing it for".... seems applicable.

Okay, who can name the tune and author? :-D (sorry if this is a topic hijack!)

I know, but I cheated. ;)
Something like that happened to me last spring. I was at the beach, flying my Spark and taking some areal footage of a friend, about 150 meters away from the nearest building which is a beach café/restaurant, and about the same distance from any groups of people, so completely within the law and regulations of recreational drone flying in Spain (I live here). All of the sudden, and elderly British tourist (woman) crossed the very wide beach running towards me, and when she reached me I could tell she was very very angry, accusing me (in English, not in Spanish) of invading her privacy. When I stated, politely in HER language, that I had no interest in taking areal footage or photos of her, she then accused me of putting her grand children in great great danger flying my extremely dangerous drone so close to them. She also said that I had been filming the children on the beach. I seriously doubt that the kids bathing about 250 meters away from me were here grand children. Any way, while the Spark was hovering over me, I reminded her of how many mobile phones could have taken photos of her, and the children on the beach, that same morning without her knowing, to which she almost shouted: NOT FROM THE AIR!
So... in order to end this silly discussion, I took out a printed copy of the Spanish drone regulations from my bag (which I always carry with me just in case) and handed them to her and asked her to read them in case she was having doubts if I was breaking the law, and I also told her that in case she thought I was breaking the law and was invading her and her grand children's privacy or putting them in danger, then I would be willing to let her use my mobile phone to call the police. She did, of course, not read the Spanish drone regulations that I was still holding in my hands, and turned around while she told me I was being silly, and walked way still complaining about how people like me are a constant threat to children and everybody's privacy.
My Google-Fu says it's Gordon Lightfoot from "The House You Live In" on the Summertime Dream album.
Yep, I realized after I posted that, it would be easy for old Google to make someone a winner. Its a great song, worth the listen, positive message. Gord has had an incredible career in Canada and also the US... he's still at it, but sadly has lost his voice, he's 80 now. I had the pleasure of 20 minutes exclusive time with him one hot summer evening back in the mid 1970's, as we both ducked out for a smoke to sit on the porch at a function we were all attending. I dont smoke anymore... 35 years clean!

Anyway, sorry to the original poster for straying off the flight path of this topic. Hope this is not also an insult! ;)
Yep, I realized after I posted that, it would be easy for old Google to make someone a winner. Its a great song, worth the listen, positive message. Gord has had an incredible career in Canada and also the US... he's still at it, but sadly has lost his voice, he's 80 now. I had the pleasure of 20 minutes exclusive time with him one hot summer evening back in the mid 1970's, as we both ducked out for a smoke to sit on the porch at a function we were all attending. I dont smoke anymore... 35 years clean!

Anyway, sorry to the original poster for straying off the flight path of this topic. Hope this is not also an insult! ;)

But I LIKE Gordon Lightfoot.
The thing that annoyed me was the idiot, didn't bother with the several other individuals snapping away with huge telephoto lenses?? was a good day in the end anyway. as you'll see....View attachment 11763View attachment 11758View attachment 11759View attachment 11760View attachment 11761View attachment 11762View attachment 11763
Lovely pictures. I'm sure i recognise this place. If it's where I think it is I have spent many a weekend there at the boatyard down below. I hope your future flights have been more enjoyable. Happy flying!
Just wondering if anyone has experienced this, or similar to this...So there i was minding my own business taking some lovely footage / stills of a church on a secluded hilltop, up walks this guy and demands i delete all my footage as I've been filming his kids!!! I explained that i had no interest in his children. As he turned to walk away he muttered something, but i only caught the word "saville" i said excuse me? This chap then comes back with "I said people like you love playing with other things as well as you Saville copters" I just laughed in his face as i was just totally in shock as this idiot's accusations! Ruined an otherwise perfect flying day. For our friends in other countries Jimmy Saville was a TV celebrity who was found to be using his stardom to lure children and commit paedophilia. I could help but think luck for him I'm quite a calm person and just let it slide, but some people now-a-days would have pulled a knife and God only knows where it may have gone.
well first dont fly around people... second if he says he does not want you recording his kids delete it.. just delete it clear the cache show him that you cleared the cache but the data and pics are on the drone.. i agree with the dad if your captureing kids even un intentionally theres going to be problems.... i fly around 2 people max and they are 100 feet away no kids around and ive never had problems.. i stay away and respect people... dont fly low under 50 feet then they really know your recording them fly about 100 feet up and stay away they will think you cant see them by then its when your in someones face or doing something you shoulndt be that people react..
I've only had one negative reaction, which is while filming a marina type area. Apparently some people live on some of the boats and the guy was concerned I might be looking in people's windows or something. I was so confused as to what he was even talking about (I figured it out in retrospect... I think) I think he realized he was making much ado about nothing and he just called me a name and stomped off. He might also have been able to see on my phone I was up high taking more of a landscape type shot of the WHOLE marina not of a particular boat or whatever. Anyway I cleared out just in case he was stomping off to get his friends or whatever.
I have never been confronted but when I fly recreationally, I have all my papers on a lanyard around my neck and when I fly commercially, I add a fluorescent vest that says “pilot” on the front and the back. For commercial flights over adjacent properties, I try to notify the owners before the flight People and police have stopped to watch but no one has complained. If confronted, my plan is to pack up and leave, and call the police if I have to.
well first dont fly around people... second if he says he does not want you recording his kids delete it.. just delete it clear the cache show him that you cleared the cache but the data and pics are on the drone.. i agree with the dad if your captureing kids even un intentionally theres going to be problems.... i fly around 2 people max and they are 100 feet away no kids around and ive never had problems.. i stay away and respect people... dont fly low under 50 feet then they really know your recording them fly about 100 feet up and stay away they will think you cant see them by then its when your in someones face or doing something you shoulndt be that people react..
Well firstly i wasn't flying around people, this chap came along mid flight
well first dont fly around people... second if he says he does not want you recording his kids delete it.. just delete it clear the cache show him that you cleared the cache but the data and pics are on the drone.. i agree with the dad if your captureing kids even un intentionally theres going to be problems.... i fly around 2 people max and they are 100 feet away no kids around and ive never had problems.. i stay away and respect people... dont fly low under 50 feet then they really know your recording them fly about 100 feet up and stay away they will think you cant see them by then its when your in someones face or doing something you shoulndt be that people react..
I checked to see there was no one around prior to taking off as I'm well aware of the not flying around people. This
well first dont fly around people... second if he says he does not want you recording his kids delete it.. just delete it clear the cache show him that you cleared the cache but the data and pics are on the drone.. i agree with the dad if your captureing kids even un intentionally theres going to be problems.... i fly around 2 people max and they are 100 feet away no kids around and ive never had problems.. i stay away and respect people... dont fly low under 50 feet then they really know your recording them fly about 100 feet up and stay away they will think you cant see them by then its when your in someones face or doing something you shoulndt be that people react..
Hi There, Firstly I wasn't flying around people, when i took off it was just me and my wife this B**lend arrived out of the blue some 5 minutes after and was just gunning for a row, Secondly I wasn't filming his kids, as someone else wrote as per attached images, no sign of him, his kids, or anyone else for that matter. If i had of seen him and/or his kids i wouldn't have lifted in the first place being quite up on the rules and regulations of drone etiquette. I wasn't "In His Face" quite the opposite, he was out for an argument come hell or high water. I'm mature enough to appologise if i were in the wrong, but i hadn't done anything to elicit such a response. My point was only People shouldn't jump to conclusions, and label people as being "Pedophiles" due to a hobby of my choice. I remained the bigger man in this case and just advised the idiot of the dangers in accusing people of belonging to that breed, may result in personal injury as he didn't know me, or how i would / could react. I felt it was quite irresponsible as a parent to put himself in this position as the way of the world now, where people stab you as soon as look at you. as per your image so many people can turn to their "Dark Side" lucky for him i deal with this side of life on a daily basis, and fortunately refuse to become part of the zombie generation aimlessly looking for the next victim to chew out for no reason. I'll leave it there, my post was simply to find out other people experience when flying. have a great day
...up walks this guy and demands i delete all my footage as I've been filming his kids!!! I explained that i had no interest in his children. As he turned to walk away he muttered something, but i only caught the word "saville"
This is a growing problem which I blame on 2 things:
1 - the media hyper sensationalizing "privacy" issues
2 - authorities that indulge people's fantasies as "normal".
It seems absolutely absurd that people would allow the massive surveillance state in most countries without blinking an eye and then worry about some chap with a drone in a public place.
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In the past here is what I have done to educate people I get them to look at my screen and then I start to fly towards who or what they claim I’m spying on. And when they say that they can make out some details I stop and have them look to see how close I have to be. I will do that as many times as it takes for them to realize that I don’t have a telephoto lens like a high end drone could have. Then I do them my footage. That so far has stopped all the issues I have had and just maybe educated then just a little on drones.
An insult is an expression or statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or scornful. Insults may be intentional or accidental.
i have a small fleet of drones including my little Spark . where i live there is only one site i can legally fly , years ago you could fly just about anywhere , bystanders would ask where can i get one or wow that is fantastic , always asking questions about the GPS and the remote control systems . i also fly RC model airplanes and many of the older flyers blame drones for all the new rules the FAA has put in effect now and in the future . when people tell you about your drone spying on them it's like the neighbor that tells you your son or daughter is doing something wrong but if his son or daughter is doing the same exact thing then it's OK .
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